Abstract of speech recognition and analysis final year project
Nowadays Lack of communication and poor presentation skills are paramount issues in universities, organizations, and also in day-to-day life and is in dire need to be addressed. Although technology is the answer to all the problems in the modern era, there are no proper means for students to improve their presentation skills using technology.
The purpose of the final year project is to cater to this problem i.e. to develop an application that would help individuals improve their public speaking skills which in turn would contribute to building their sureness.
Our final year project, “speech recognition and analysis” is an integration of multiple modules individually handling different functionalities. Firstly, users can install the “speech recognition and analysis” android application which allows users to start a new presentation, view the history of their presentations, and view their progress over time. Secondly, this application allows users to present in a virtual environment, created in unity, in front of a virtual audience while wearing a 3D headset.
This will help users in overcoming problems like stage fright. Once the user is done presenting, our speech analysis module, which is developed in python, will evaluate users’ progress by processing the audio, recorded while the user was presenting, on the basis of loudness, clarity, fluency, and emotional appropriateness.
This way users will be able to overcome their speaking deficiencies while presenting and will be able to present more confidently in the next attempt. The main aim of this final year project was to help students in improving their presentation skills by practicing it in a virtual environment and improving their sureness in a long run.
Furthermore, to further aid the purpose of sureness building, additional methods of evaluation could also be integrated into “speech recognition and analysis” such as body gesture evaluation, facial expression evaluation, and eye contact evaluation and we intend to take upon this task ourselves in the future. Other than that, the modularity in the final year project allows different modules to be used in different applications. For example, the speech analysis module can be used in speech therapy applications.