Projects Inventory Project(A website for auto parts online selling) (A website for auto parts online selling)


Project Domain / Category


Web Based Application


Abstract / Introduction is a website that offers purchase services of different auto parts to the webpage visitors. This website offers different variants of any auto part. Main categories should include Motorbike, cars and SUVs [-you can add more categories as per needed-]. For each category of vehicle, there should be at least three subcategories of auto parts: Engine Parts, Electric Parts and Accessories. An auto part will be delivered to the address provided by user/buyers during prescribed delivery hours. Payment will be made by “cash on delivery” mode.


Functional Requirements:



GUI interface:

  1. Main page will show different auto parts, categories list, search bars etc.






























NOTE: Above design is for demonstration purpose only.


2- Preview Page: When user/visitor clicks on any item, a new page for the details of the item should be shown to user/visitor. This page should contain pictures for particular item. You can show current market price value on this page.















3- There should be at least 2 items of each auto part included in each sub category of vehicles.




  1. A visitor is a non-registered user of the website.
  2. Can view different auto parts and can explore different categories


  1. To view or search a category/auto parts, a simple user can apply different filters on home page


Buyer (user):

1- To buy any auto part, a simple user must register him/her self with this website.

2- Categories should be available so that each auto part is available in respective category.


3- Add different parts to the shopping cart.

4- Buyer will have to fill a form for required details needed to confirm the order.

5- A buyer can cancel an order before confirmation or check out from the main page.

6- After collecting parts, a buyer can write feedback on webpage.



  1. Updates auto parts information
  2. Manages parts repository


  1. Generates reports from system
  2. Manages categories of parts.


[NOTE: Student can add/enhance requirements as per needed.]



WAMP server, PHP, MySQL, HTML editors (Dreamviewer, Notepad++).


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