Projects Inventory

Functional Requirements of Blood bank Management

Functional Requirements of Blood bank Management System Project

  1. Access Website:

Software operator should be capable to access web-application

through either an application browser or similar

service on the PC. There

should not be any limitation to access web-



  1. Software operator Registration:

Given that software operator has accessed web-application, then

the software operator should be able to register through the web-

application. The donor software operator must provide first name,

gender, blood or plasma group, location, contact , software operatorname

and password.

  1. New Releases:

When a new/update/revise version of the web-application is

released, the appearance will be automatically

appears when the software operator access the web-application.

  1. Software operator log-in:

Given that the software operator has registered, then the software operator

should be able to login to the web-application. The


login information will be stored on the database for

future use.

  1. Search result in a list view:

Search result can be viewed in a list. Each element in

the list represents a specific donor. Each element

should include first name, gender, blood or plasma group,

location, contact according to the software operator position.

There should be maximum of ten result display.

  1. Request Blood or plasma:

Software operator(Clinic) should be able to request for blood or plasma at

emergency situation, software operator need to define blood or plasma

group, location, required date, contact. The blood or plasma request

requested will be sent to blood or plasma bank and then to the

Inventory to check the availability. If available, the

requested blood or plasma will be sent to the requested


  1. View Request:

The Blood or plasma Bank should be able to view received

request and then respond to them and can search

requests by selecting two options select blood or plasma group

and provision.

  1. Search Blood or plasma Bank Stock:

Receiving the blood or plasma request from Clinic , the blood or plasma stock in

the Blood or plasma Bank Inventory will be searched to match

the requested blood or plasma request.  Thus matched blood or plasma units will

be sent to the Clinic.

  1. View Blood or plasma request Details:

The Clinic, Blood or plasma Bank should be able to view the

Blood or plasma requestId, time of the blood or plasma request placed, name of the

clinic, location and the address of the clinic. In

addition to this an additional feature of tracking the

distribution person which includes his location and the

checkpoints passed.

  1. View Distribution Status:

The Clinic, Blood or plasma Bank should be able to view the

status of the distribution time. If the distribution seems to

be delayed then the clinic manager must to able

to call the distribution person to get the update/revise on the


Note: This project can be developed in any of the following languages;

Non functional requirements of Blood bank Management System

Topics Covered: Functional Requirements of Blood bank Management System Project, Blood bank Functional Requirements , Functional Requirements of Blood bank System, Functional Requirements of Blood bank Project for COVID Patients, Functional Requirements of Blood bank Project for Corona virus Patients.

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