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Functional requirements of Job Portal with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • User Registration:
      • Allow job seekers and employers to create accounts with basic information, such as email, name, and password.
      • Implement email verification for account activation.
    • User Profiles:
      • Job seekers should be able to create and update their profiles, including personal details, resumes, cover letters, and skills.
      • Employers should manage company profiles with information like company overview, logo, and contact details.
    • Role-Based Access Control:
      • Implement different access levels for job seekers, employers, and administrators with specific permissions for each role.
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  2. Job Posting and Management:
    • Job Posting:
      • Employers should be able to post job openings with details like job title, description, requirements, location, salary range, and application deadline.
    • Job Categorization:
      • Support categorization of jobs by industry, location, experience level, and type (full-time, part-time, remote).
    • Job Editing and Deletion:
      • Employers should be able to edit or delete job postings as needed.
    • Job Expiry:
      • Automatically archive or delete job postings after the application deadline or a specified period.
  3. Job Search and Filtering:
    • Search Functionality:
      • Job seekers should be able to search for jobs based on keywords, location, industry, company, or job type.
    • Advanced Filters:
      • Provide advanced filters for refining search results, such as salary range, experience level, education, and job posting date.
    • Save Searches:
      • Allow users to save their search criteria and receive notifications of new jobs matching their preferences.
  4. Application Management:
    • Job Application:
      • Job seekers should be able to apply for jobs directly through the portal by submitting their resumes and cover letters.
    • Application Tracking:
      • Provide a dashboard for job seekers to track the status of their applications (e.g., submitted, viewed, shortlisted, rejected).
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    • Resume Upload:
      • Allow job seekers to upload multiple resumes and cover letters tailored to different job applications.
    • Application Notifications:
      • Send notifications to job seekers when their application status changes (e.g., when viewed by an employer, shortlisted, or rejected).
  5. Employer Features:
    • Applicant Tracking System (ATS):
      • Employers should be able to track and manage applications received for each job posting, including sorting, filtering, and shortlisting candidates.
    • Candidate Search:
      • Employers should be able to search the job portal’s database of resumes to find suitable candidates.
    • Bulk Actions:
      • Enable bulk actions like mass emailing, rejecting, or shortlisting multiple candidates at once.
    • Job Posting Plans:
      • Offer different job posting plans (e.g., free, premium) with varying features like featured listings, highlighted jobs, and access to candidate databases.
  6. Communication and Notifications:
    • Messaging System:
      • Implement an internal messaging system for direct communication between job seekers and employers.
    • Email Notifications:
      • Send automated email notifications to users about new job postings, application status updates, and other relevant activities.
    • In-App Notifications:
      • Provide in-app notifications for real-time updates on job postings, applications, and messages.
  7. Resume Builder:
    • Resume Templates:
      • Provide job seekers with pre-designed resume templates to create or update their resumes directly on the portal.
    • Resume Preview and Download:
      • Allow users to preview their resumes and download them in different formats (e.g., PDF, Word).
  8. Interview Scheduling:
    • Interview Invitations:
      • Employers should be able to send interview invitations to shortlisted candidates with options to schedule interviews.
    • Interview Calendar:
      • Integrate with calendar systems (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook) to schedule and manage interview appointments.
  9. Payment Processing:
    • Job Posting Payments:
      • Implement payment processing for premium job posting services, featuring jobs, and access to resume databases.
    • Subscription Plans:
      • Offer subscription plans for employers with different levels of access and features.
    • Payment Methods:
      • Support various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers.
    • Invoice Generation:
      • Automatically generate invoices for payments made by employers.
  10. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Job Performance Reports:
      • Provide employers with reports on the performance of their job postings, including the number of views, applications, and conversion rates.
    • User Analytics:
      • Offer analytics for job seekers, showing their profile views, application success rates, and other relevant metrics.
    • Custom Reports:
      • Allow administrators and employers to generate custom reports based on specific criteria.
  11. Admin Panel:
    • User Management:
      • Admins should be able to manage all user accounts, including banning or deleting accounts as needed.
    • Content Moderation:
      • Implement tools for admins to review and approve job postings, user profiles, and other content submitted to the portal.
    • System Monitoring:
      • Provide real-time monitoring of system performance, user activity, and potential security threats.
    • Backup and Restore:
      • Implement automated backup and restore features to protect against data loss.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • The system should handle a large number of concurrent users, especially during peak usage times (e.g., after job postings are made public).
    • Response times for critical operations (e.g., job search, application submission) should be under 2-3 seconds.
  2. Scalability:
    • The system should be scalable to accommodate increasing numbers of users, job postings, and applications as the portal grows.
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    • Support for cloud-based infrastructure to ensure scalability and high availability.
  3. Security:
    • Implement robust security measures to protect user data, including encryption of sensitive information like passwords and personal details.
    • Regularly update security protocols and conduct vulnerability assessments to prevent data breaches.
    • Support multi-factor authentication (MFA) for accessing sensitive features.
  4. Reliability:
    • Ensure an uptime of at least 99.9% to support continuous operations.
    • Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to ensure system availability even during hardware failures or network issues.
  5. Usability:
    • Provide an intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate for all user types (job seekers, employers, admins).
    • Ensure a consistent user experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
    • Include comprehensive help documentation, FAQs, and customer support features.
  6. Maintainability:
    • The system should be modular, allowing for easy updates, maintenance, and integration of new features.
    • Ensure the codebase is well-documented to facilitate future development and troubleshooting.
  7. Compliance:
    • Ensure the system complies with relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR, CCPA, and other regional laws.
    • Implement features that allow users to manage their data, including consent, access, and deletion requests.
  8. Availability:
    • The system should be available 24/7 with minimal planned downtime for maintenance.
    • Use load balancing and other techniques to ensure consistent performance even during peak usage.
  9. Interoperability:
    • The system should integrate seamlessly with third-party services such as payment gateways, email services, and calendar systems.
    • Support standard data formats (e.g., CSV, XML, JSON) for importing and exporting data.
  10. Data Integrity:
    • Ensure the accuracy and consistency of data across the system, particularly for job postings, applications, and user profiles.
    • Implement transaction management to maintain data integrity during concurrent operations.
  11. Response Time:
    • Critical operations like job search, application submission, and profile management should complete within 2-3 seconds.
    • More complex tasks, such as report generation, should complete within 5-10 seconds.
  12. Auditability:
    • Maintain detailed logs of all significant actions (e.g., job postings, application submissions) for audit purposes.
    • Provide audit trails for monitoring user activities and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
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