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Functional requirements of Virtual Job Fair System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management
    • Registration/Login: Users (employers, job seekers, organizers) must be able to create accounts and log in.
    • User Profiles: Different profile types with relevant information (e.g., resume for job seekers, company profile for employers).
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  2. Event Management
    • Create/Manage Events: Organizers can create, schedule, and manage job fair events.
    • Event Registration: Employers and job seekers can register for events.
    • Event Promotion: Tools for promoting the job fair to attract participants.
  3. Employer Features
    • Company Booths: Virtual booths for employers to showcase their company and job openings.
    • Job Listings: Employers can post job openings and provide detailed descriptions.
    • Candidate Search: Ability for employers to search and filter candidates based on resumes or profiles.
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  4. Job Seeker Features
    • Resume Upload: Job seekers can upload and manage their resumes.
    • Job Search: Search and filter job openings based on various criteria (e.g., location, industry).
    • Application Submission: Apply for jobs directly through the platform.
  5. Communication Tools
    • Live Chat: Real-time chat between job seekers and employers.
    • Video Interviews: Scheduled or on-demand video interviews.
    • Networking: Features to facilitate networking among participants.
  6. Scheduling and Appointments
    • Session Scheduling: Schedule one-on-one meetings or group sessions between job seekers and employers.
    • Calendar Integration: Sync with external calendars for managing appointments.
  7. Resource Management
    • Document Sharing: Upload and share documents (e.g., brochures, job descriptions).
    • Resource Library: A repository for educational materials, presentations, and other resources.
  8. Reporting and Analytics
    • Attendance Tracking: Monitor and report on participant attendance and engagement.
    • Performance Metrics: Analytics on job postings, applications, and interactions.
  9. Support and Help
    • Help Desk: Support for technical issues and general inquiries.
    • FAQs: Frequently asked questions and help articles.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Scalability: The system should handle high traffic and concurrent users without performance issues.
    • Speed: Fast load times and responsive user interface.
  2. Reliability
    • Uptime: High availability with minimal downtime to ensure access during events.
    • Data Integrity: Accurate and consistent handling of user data and transactions.
  3. Security
    • Authentication/Authorization: Secure login and permission management to protect user data.
    • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data in transit and at rest.
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    • Privacy: Compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR).
  4. Usability
    • User Interface (UI): Intuitive and user-friendly design for all user roles.
    • User Experience (UX): Smooth and engaging interaction flow for job seekers, employers, and organizers.
  5. Compatibility
    • Cross-Platform: Accessible on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) and operating systems (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android).
    • Browser Support: Compatible with major web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
  6. Maintainability
    • Code Quality: Clean, well-documented code for easy maintenance and updates.
    • Updates: Regular updates to fix bugs, improve features, and adapt to new requirements.
  7. Accessibility
    • Inclusivity: Adherence to accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG) to support users with disabilities.
    • Language Support: Multilingual capabilities to cater to a global audience.
  8. Backup and Recovery
    • Data Backup: Regular backups to prevent data loss.
    • Disaster Recovery: Procedures for restoring functionality in case of system failures or data loss.
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