Projects Inventory

Library Management System Project MILESTONE, Deliverable, Risk Management


Library Management System Project MILESTONE, Deliverable, Risk Management


  1. Project Start
  2. Download Server 2019 Installation
  3. Creating front end website
  4. Software Requirement Specification Choose hardware and software
  5. Start design and coding Create Database
  6. Advertisement
  7. Develop database design Bug Fixing
  8. Manage Documentation of application Testing of system
  9. Design test cases Complete Project

Project Deliverables

Deliverable Data Accepted
Download Server 2019 30 Jan 2023
& Installation
Software Requirement 10 Feb 2023
Prototype 20 Feb 2023
Test Plan 9 March 2023
Database Design 15 March 2023
SDS (Software Design 25 March 2023
Interface Design and 15 April 2023
Database Connectivity
Coding 30 April 2023
Hosting 15 May 2023
Documentation 30 May 2023
Final Product Delivery 15 June 2023
and User Manual

Risk Management Responsibilities

Person Responsibilities
System design, and implementing work on web
Team member 1 Server and website


Team member 2: Making slides for fyp presentatiom

Team member 3 Documentation, system design and user interface


Database connectivity, Query Processing,
Team member 4 working on website as well as on server.


Risk Analysis Summary

Risk Risk Name Probability Of Impact Description
Number Occurrence
1. System power 7% Unauthorized user will not be
Failure able to access the website.
2. Database 6% Database transaction will not
Connection occur.
3. Does not fulfill 8% User knows about this kind of
user requirements project and expecting different
things which are not
System Security 6% Systems Security cannot be
compromised, different users
have different rights.
5. User 5% Functional Requirements may
Dissatisfaction result in user Dissatisfaction.
6. Code 7% Last code modifications may
Modification cost severely.



Risk Risk Responsible Person Mitigation Action(s)
Priority Name
1. System power Team member 1 Check for the power
Failure supplier.
2. Database Team member 2 Check for the SQL
Connection server running, and
Unavailable connectivity code.
3. Does not fulfill Team member 3 Make it easy to grasp,
user and alter Accordingly.
4. System Security Team member 3 Authenticate access of
the user, avoiding
unauthorized access.
5. User Team member 1 Functional
Dissatisfaction Requirements may
result in user
6. Code Team member 2 When required modify
Modification code and all changes to
the relevant fields.

Library Management System Software Documentation

  3. Use Case Diagram of Library Management System
  4. Class Diagram of Library Management System
  5. Sequence Diagram of Library Management System
  6. Entity relationship Diagram of LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ERD
  7. Use Case Descriptions of LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
  8. Project MILESTONE, Deliverable, and  Risk Management of Library Management System 
  9. Testing of  Library Management System with Test Cases

Library Management System In Other Languages

  1. PHP: Download Full code of LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 
  2. C#: Free Download Source code  OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 
  3. C++: Free  Download Source code  OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 
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