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Random graphs Research Project Examples

Random graphs Research Project Examples.

  1. Predictor‐based H∞ leader‐following consensus of stochastic multi‐agent systems with random input delay
  2. Adaptive Rewiring in Weighted Networks Shows Specificity, Robustness, and Flexibility
  3. Impact of the mesoscale structure of a bipartite ecological interaction network on its robustness through a probabilistic modeling
  4. Vulnerability studies in the fields of transportation and complex networks: a citation network analysis
  5. On the average order of a dominating set of a forest
  6. Minimum Spanning Trees of Random Geometric Graphs with Location Dependent Weights
  7. Advertisement
  8. A complement to the Chebyshev integral inequality
  9. Extremal problems on k-ary trees with respect to the cover cost and reverse cover cost
  10. Math to Code to Petaflops
  11. Network geometry
  12. Investigating the effects of updating rules on cooperation by incorporating interactive diversity
  13. Observing symmetry-broken optimal paths of stationary Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface via a large-deviation sampling of directed polymers in random media
  14. On the Asymmetric Generalizations of Two Extremal Questions on Friends-and-Strangers Graphs
  15. Parallelization of network motif discovery using star contraction
  16. On the contractibility of random Vietoris-Rips complexes
  17. Sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, quantum chaos, and gravity duals
  18. Network reconstruction from betweenness centrality by artificial bee colony
  19. ShortWalk: an approach to network embedding on directed graphs
  20. A combinatorial approach to counting primitive periodic and primitive pseudo orbits on circulant graphs
  21. Sensitivity of mixing times, an example
  22. Investigating the effects of updating rules on cooperation by incorporating interactive diversity
  23. Observing symmetry-broken optimal paths of stationary Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface via a large-deviation sampling of directed polymers in random media
  24. On the Asymmetric Generalizations of Two Extremal Questions on Friends-and-Strangers Graphs
  25. Advertisement
  26. Parallelization of network motif discovery using star contraction
  27. On the contractibility of random Vietoris-Rips complexes
  28. Sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, quantum chaos, and gravity duals
  29. Network reconstruction from betweenness centrality by artificial bee colony
  30. ShortWalk: an approach to network embedding on directed graphs
  31. A combinatorial approach to counting primitive periodic and primitive pseudo orbits on circulant graphs
  32. Sensitivity of mixing times, an example
  33. Minimax rates in network analysis: Graphon estimation, community detection and hypothesis testing
  34. An overview of epidemic models with phase transitions to absorbing states running on top of complex networks
  35. The Gutman Index and Schultz Index in the Random Phenylene Chains
  36. Hypergraphs for predicting essential genes using multiprotein complex data
  37. Almost optimal super-constant-pass streaming lower bounds for reachability
  38. Domination in Digraphs
  39. An exact method for the minimum feedback arc set problem
  40. Scaling limit for random walk on the range of random walk in four dimensions
  41. Kruskal with embedded C-semirings to solve MST problems with partially-ordered costs
  42. Decentralized Constrained Optimization: Double Averaging and Gradient Projection
  43. Network Recovery from Unlabeled Noisy Samples
  44. A Network-Based Explanation of Perceived Inequality
  45. Serial and parallel memetic algorithms for the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem
  46. Galton–Watson games
  47. Depths in hooking networks
  48. On odd rainbow cycles in edge-colored graphs
  49. Computing temporal sequences associated with dynamic patterns on the C. elegans connectome
  50. Online Learning of Time-Varying Signals and Graphs
  51. A performance study of meta‐heuristic approaches for quadratic assignment problem
  52. CANE: community-aware network embedding via adversarial training
  53. Dynamic Labeling for Unlabeled Graph Neural Networks
  54. Regions of Reduced Dynamics in Dynamic Networks
  55. Cutoff for Almost All Random Walks on Abelian Groups
  56. The localization capture time of a graph
  57. Two problems in extremal combinatorics
  58. A novel algorithm for finding top-k weighted overlapping densest connected subgraphs in dual networks
  59. Balanced product quantum codes
  60. Spectral distributions of periodic random matrix ensembles
  61. Observability transitions in clustered networks
  62. Epidemic dynamics on metapopulation networks with node2vec mobility
  63. Beating treewidth for average-case subgraph isomorphism
  64. Banach space actions and L2-spectral gap
  65. Convex relaxation methods for community detection
  66. Model free estimation of graphical model using gene expression data
  67. Percolation-intercropping strategies to prevent dissemination of phytopathogens on plantations
  68. Generalized quantum-classical correspondence for random walks on graphs
  69. Simplicial SIRS epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rates
  70. Route lengths in invariant spatial tree networks
  71. Factor of iid Schreier decoration of transitive graphs
  72. Coherence resonance in random Erd os-Renyi neural networks: mean-field theory
  73. The critical two-point function for long-range percolation on the hierarchical lattice
  74. An Efficient and Scalable Algorithm for Estimating Kemeny’s Constant of a Markov Chain on Large Graphs
  75. Matrix factorisation and the interpretation of geodesic distance
  76. The enumeration of planar graphs via Wick’s theorem
  77. Note on sunflowers
  78. Overview of Network-based Methods for Analyzing Financial Markets
  79. Adversarial Graph Augmentation to Improve Graph Contrastive Learning
  80. A variable neighborhood search algorithm for energy conscious task scheduling in heterogeneous computing systems
  81. Disintegrating spatial networks based on region centrality
  82. From Poincaré inequalities to nonlinear matrix concentration
  83. Social dilemmas in off-lattice populations
  84. On the distribution of monochromatic complete subgraphs and arithmetic progressions
  85. Backdoor attacks to graph neural networks
  86. Advertisement
  87. Weighted k-domination problem in fuzzy networks
  88. An intelligent hybrid approach for task scheduling in cluster computing environments as an infrastructure for biomedical applications
  89. Phase transition of the 2-choices dynamics on core–periphery networks
  90. Performance of Domain-Wall Encoding for Quantum Annealing
  91. On the dual geometry of Laplacian eigenfunctions
  92. Percolation transitions in growing networks under achlioptas processes: Analytic solutions
  93. Kernelization and approximation of distance-r independent sets on nowhere dense graphs
  94. Deficiency zero for random reaction networks under a stochastic block model framework
  95. Graph-Valued Regression: Prediction of unlabelled networks in a Non-Euclidean Graph-Space
  96. Optimal Random Packing of Spheres and Extremal Effective Conductivity
  97. Noise sensitivity for the top eigenvector of a sparse random matrix
  98. On the Second-Largest Reciprocal Distance Signless Laplacian Eigenvalue
  99. Fast and strong amplifiers of natural selection
  100. -intersecting families of graphs
  101. Minimum degree stability of -free graphs
  102. Some remarks on the sum of the inverse values of the normalized signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs
  103. The impact of noise and topology on opinion dynamics in social networks


  1. A strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting method for the doubly nonnegative relaxation of the minimum cut problem
  2. -Analogs of strongly regular graphs
  3. Fractal mountains and binary random loops
  4. Improving search using a fault-tolerant overlay in unstructured p2p systems
  5. Sparse network optimization for synchronization
  6. Digraph signal processing with generalized boundary conditions
  7. Nonlinear network dynamics with consensus–dissensus bifurcation
  8. Divergence and quasi-isometry classes of random Gromov’s monsters
  9. A Quotient Space Formulation for Generative Statistical Analysis of Graphical Data
  10. A new approach to finding the extra connectivity of graphs
  11. Majority-vote model with limited visibility: An investigation into filter bubbles
  12. Simple mathematical models for controlling COVID-19 transmission through social distancing and community awareness
  13. Binarized graph neural network
  14. On the perfect differential of a graph
  15. Divisibility properties of random samples of integers
  16. Trustworthiness assessment for industrial IoT as multilayer networks with von Neumann entropy
  17. Continuum percolation and stochastic epidemic models on Poisson and Ginibre point processes
  18. miRGTF-net: Integrative miRNA-gene-TF network analysis reveals key drivers of breast cancer recurrence
  19. The effective graph reveals redundancy, canalization, and control pathways in biochemical regulation and signaling

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