Projects Inventory

Use Case Detailed Description Of Quiz Application Android Project

Use Case   Login
Actor   Administrator/users
Description   The use case is start when the actors will be
    Login to the admin/user panel. It will be finish
    when the actors will be logout.
Pre-condition   The login exists
    The actor logged in.
Post-condition   The login successful



Use Case 2

  Use Case Manage Database  
  Actor Administrator  
  Description The use case is start when the actor will Be  
    Login and access Manage Database.  
  Pre-condition The records exist for editing.  
    The actors logged in.  
  Post-condition The records edited successfully.  
  Table 3.5.3 Use Case 3    
  Use Case Select Subject
  Actor User
  Description The use case is start when the actor will be Login
    and access the subjects.
  Pre-condition Te actor’s logged in.
  Post-condition Play Successfully.



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