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Hash Table Implementation Gaming Project in C++


  1. Hash Table Structure:
    • vector<list<int>> table;: The hash table is implemented as a vector of lists. Each list represents a bucket where keys with the same hash index are stored.
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    • int size;: The number of buckets in the hash table.
  2. Hash Function (hashFunction):
    • int hashFunction(int key) const: Computes the index for a given key using modulo operation.
  3. Insertion (insert):
    • Computes the index using the hash function.
    • Adds the key to the appropriate bucket if it doesn’t already exist.
  4. Deletion (remove):
    • Computes the index and finds the key in the bucket.
    • Removes the key from the bucket if it exists.
  5. Search (search):
    • Computes the index and checks if the key exists in the corresponding bucket.
  6. Display (display):
    • Prints the contents of each bucket in the hash table.
  7. Main Function (main):
    • Creates a HashTable object with 10 buckets.
    • Inserts several keys and displays the hash table.
    • Searches for specific keys and displays the search results.
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    • Removes a key and displays the updated hash table.

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