C++ Projects

C++ Projects Inventory

Quadratic Equation Solver Gaming Project in C++

Explanation solveQuadraticEquation Function: Parameters: Takes three coefficients a, b, and c representing the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0ax^2 + bx + c = 0ax2+bx+c=0. Discriminant Calculation: Computes the discriminant using the formula b2−4acb^2 – 4acb2−4ac. The discriminant determines the nature of the roots: If the discriminant is positive, the equation has two distinct real roots. If …

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Simulation of Marketing Strategies Gaming Project in C++

Explanation MarketingStrategy Structure: Represents a marketing strategy with a name and an effectiveness score (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0). MarketingCampaign Class: Manages a list of marketing strategies and simulates their effectiveness. Constructor: Initializes the list of strategies and seeds the random number generator for customer response simulation. simulateCampaign() Method: Simulates the marketing campaign by …

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Simulation of Manufacturing Systems Gaming Project in C++

Explanation Product Structure: Represents a product with an id and a name. Machine Class: Represents a manufacturing machine with a name and a queue to hold products. Methods: addProduct(const Product& product): Adds a product to the machine’s queue. processProduct(): Processes the product at the front of the queue and removes it. hasProducts() const: Checks …

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Simulation of Machine Learning Algorithms Gaming Project in C++

Explanation DataPoint Structure: Represents a data point with a vector of features and a label. euclideanDistance Function: Computes the Euclidean distance between two DataPoint objects based on their feature vectors. knn Function: Performs K-Nearest Neighbors classification. Calculates the distance between the test point and each training data point. Sorts the distances and selects the …

Simulation of Machine Learning Algorithms Gaming Project in C++ Read More »

Simulation of Magnetic Fields Gaming Project in C++

Explanation MagneticPole Structure: Represents a magnetic pole with its position (x, y) and strength. MagneticFieldVector Structure: Represents a magnetic field vector with direction components (x, y) and magnitude. calculateField Function: Takes a vector of magnetic poles and a point (px, py) as input. Calculates the magnetic field vector at the point by summing the …

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Simulation of L-Systems Gaming Project in C++

Explanation LSystem Class: Attributes: currentString: Holds the current state of the L-System string. productionRules: A map of production rules where each character maps to its replacement string. Methods: LSystem(const std::string& axiom, const std::unordered_map<char, std::string>& rules): Constructor initializes the L-System with an axiom and production rules. void generate(int iterations): Generates the L-System string for a …

Simulation of L-Systems Gaming Project in C++ Read More »

Simulation of Inventory Management Gaming Project in C++

Explanation Item Class: Represents an individual item with a name and quantity. Provides methods to get the name and quantity, set the quantity, and display the item. Inventory Class: Manages a collection of Item objects. The addItem() function adds items to the inventory. If an item already exists, it updates the quantity. The removeItem() …

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Simulation of Internet of Things (IoT) Gaming Project in C++

Explanation IoTDevice Class: A base class representing a generic IoT device with a deviceId and a pure virtual function getData(), which must be implemented by derived classes. TemperatureSensor Class: Inherits from IoTDevice. Implements getData() to simulate temperature readings between -10 and 35 degrees Celsius. HumiditySensor Class: Inherits from IoTDevice. Implements getData() to simulate humidity …

Simulation of Internet of Things (IoT) Gaming Project in C++ Read More »

Simulation of Image Recognition Gaming Project in C++

Explanation Class Definition (Image): Private Members: pixels: A 2D vector representing the grayscale image, where each element is a pixel intensity (0 to 255). Public Methods: Image(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& pixels): Constructor initializes the image with given pixel values. void applyThreshold(): Applies a threshold to the image. Pixels with intensity greater than or equal to THRESHOLD …

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Simulation of Human Resource Management Gaming Project in C++

Explanation Class Definitions: Employee Class: Private Members: name: The name of the employee. performance: The performance rating of the employee (0 to 100). Public Methods: Employee(std::string name, int performance): Constructor initializes the employee’s name and performance rating. std::string getName() const: Returns the employee’s name. int getPerformance() const: Returns the employee’s performance rating. void setPerformance(int …

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