Simulation of Image Recognition Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Definition (Image):
    • Private Members:
      • pixels: A 2D vector representing the grayscale image, where each element is a pixel intensity (0 to 255).
    • Public Methods:
      • Image(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& pixels): Constructor initializes the image with given pixel values.
      • void applyThreshold(): Applies a threshold to the image.
        • Pixels with intensity greater than or equal to THRESHOLD are set to 255 (white).
        • Pixels with intensity less than THRESHOLD are set to 0 (black).
      • void printImage() const: Prints the image to the console.
        • Prints # for white pixels and space for black pixels.
  2. main Function:
    • Initializes a sample grayscale image with a 5×5 grid of pixel intensities.
    • Creates an Image object with the sample image.
    • Prints the original image.
    • Applies the thresholding operation.
    • Prints the thresholded image.

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