Simulation of Internet of Things (IoT) Gaming Project in C++


  1. IoTDevice Class:
    • A base class representing a generic IoT device with a deviceId and a pure virtual function getData(), which must be implemented by derived classes.
  2. TemperatureSensor Class:
    • Inherits from IoTDevice. Implements getData() to simulate temperature readings between -10 and 35 degrees Celsius.
  3. HumiditySensor Class:
    • Inherits from IoTDevice. Implements getData() to simulate humidity readings between 0 and 100 percent.
  4. IoTServer Class:
    • Manages a collection of IoTDevice pointers. The addDevice() function adds a device to the collection, and collectData() retrieves and prints data from all devices.
  5. main Function:
    • Seeds the random number generator.
    • Creates instances of TemperatureSensor and HumiditySensor.
    • Adds these devices to the IoTServer.
    • Collects and displays data from all devices.

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