Simulation of Natural Language Processing Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Definition (SimpleNLP):
    • Private Members:
      • wordFrequency: A std::map to store the frequency of each word in the text.
  2. processText Method:
    • Takes a string of text as input and processes it to count the frequency of each word.
    • Uses std::istringstream to tokenize the input text.
    • Removes punctuation from each word and converts it to lowercase to ensure uniformity.
    • Updates the word frequency count in the wordFrequency map.
  3. displayWordFrequencies Method:
    • Outputs the frequency of each word stored in the wordFrequency map.
  4. main Function:
    • Prompts the user to input text for processing.
    • Creates an instance of SimpleNLP.
    • Calls processText to analyze the text and count word frequencies.
    • Calls displayWordFrequencies to display the results.

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