Color Detection Gaming Project in C++


  1. Color Representation:
    • The Color struct represents a color with a name (e.g., “Red”) and an id (a unique integer corresponding to that color).
  2. Random Color Generation:
    • The generateRandomColor function selects a random color from a predefined list of colors. This color is the one that the player needs to guess.
  3. Player Guess:
    • The getPlayerGuess function prompts the player to enter their guess by choosing the ID corresponding to the color they think was generated.
  4. Color Display:
    • The displayColors function prints out the available colors and their corresponding IDs to the console. This helps the player know which colors they can guess.
  5. Game Loop:
    • The game allows the player up to 3 attempts to guess the correct color. After each guess, the program checks if the player’s guess matches the randomly selected color:
      • If correct, the game congratulates the player.
      • If incorrect and attempts remain, the game prompts the player to try again.
      • If all attempts are used without a correct guess, the game reveals the correct color.

Possible Enhancements:

  • Difficulty Levels: Add more colors and increase the number of guesses for higher difficulty levels.
  • Visual Representation: If developing in an environment that supports graphics, implement actual color display rather than using text names.
  • Hint System: Introduce a hint system that narrows down the options after incorrect guesses.
  • Score Tracking: Track the number of correct guesses over multiple rounds and provide a final score.

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