Functional requirements of Online Learning Management System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Authentication and Authorization
    • Allow users (students, instructors, and administrators) to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles.
    • Implement role-based access control with permissions for different user roles (e.g., students, instructors, admins).
  2. Course Management
    • Enable instructors to create, update, and manage courses, including course content, assignments, and assessments.
    • Support course categories, descriptions, objectives, and prerequisites.
    • Allow students to browse, search, and enroll in courses.
  3. Content Delivery
    • Provide tools for delivering course materials, including lectures, videos, readings, and multimedia content.
    • Support various content formats such as text, video, audio, and interactive elements.
  4. Assignments and Assessments
    • Allow instructors to create and manage assignments, quizzes, and exams.
    • Enable students to submit assignments, take quizzes, and complete exams online.
    • Provide tools for grading and feedback, including automated grading for quizzes and manual grading for assignments.
  5. Discussion Forums and Communication
    • Implement discussion forums or boards for course-related discussions and peer interactions.
    • Provide messaging tools for students and instructors to communicate privately or in groups.
    • Support notifications and alerts for course updates, deadlines, and messages.
  6. Progress Tracking and Reporting
    • Track student progress through courses, including completed assignments, grades, and participation.
    • Provide reports and analytics on student performance, course engagement, and progress.
    • Allow instructors and students to view progress and performance metrics.
  7. Calendar and Scheduling
    • Provide a calendar for managing course schedules, assignment due dates, and exam dates.
    • Allow students to view and manage their schedules and deadlines.
  8. Resource Management
    • Support uploading and organizing course resources such as documents, links, and external resources.
    • Provide tools for managing and sharing learning materials.
  9. Certification and Badges
    • Issue certificates or badges upon course completion or achievement of milestones.
    • Provide options for students to download or print certificates.
  10. Integration with External Tools
    • Integrate with external tools such as video conferencing platforms, plagiarism checkers, and content management systems.
    • Support single sign-on (SSO) and integration with other educational or administrative systems.
  11. Accessibility and Usability
    • Ensure the system is accessible to users with disabilities, following accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG).
    • Provide a user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation and clear instructions.
  12. Compliance and Security
    • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards related to online education and data protection (e.g., GDPR, FERPA).
    • Implement data protection measures and secure user authentication.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Ensure quick response times for content delivery, course interactions, and system navigation.
    • Handle high volumes of concurrent users and content effectively, especially during peak times.
  2. Scalability
    • Support the addition of new courses, users, and content as the system grows.
    • Scale to accommodate increasing numbers of students, instructors, and concurrent activities.
  3. Reliability
    • Ensure high system availability with minimal downtime.
    • Implement backup and recovery procedures to protect course and user data and ensure business continuity.
  4. Security
    • Protect sensitive user and course data with encryption and secure access controls.
    • Implement measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats.
  5. Usability
    • Provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for all users, including students, instructors, and administrators.
    • Ensure ease of navigation and accessibility features for users with different needs and abilities.
  6. Maintainability
    • Design the system for easy updates, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
    • Provide clear documentation for system administrators, instructors, and developers.
  7. Compatibility
    • Ensure compatibility with various devices (e.g., desktops, tablets, smartphones) and operating systems.
    • Integrate seamlessly with other systems and software as needed.
  8. Data Integrity
    • Ensure accuracy and consistency of course content, user data, and performance metrics.
    • Implement validation checks and error-handling mechanisms to maintain data quality.
  9. Support and Documentation
    • Provide user manuals, help guides, and support resources for troubleshooting and training.
    • Offer technical support for system issues and maintenance.
  10. Auditability
    • Maintain logs of user actions, course activities, and system changes for auditing purposes.
    • Provide audit trails for content updates, grading activities, and system modifications.

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