Simulation of Smart Home Automation Gaming Project in C++


  1. SmartDevice Class:
    • Attributes:
      • Abstract base class for all smart devices.
    • Methods:
      • status(): Pure virtual function to display the status of the device.
      • toggle(): Pure virtual function to toggle the device’s state.
  2. SmartLight Class:
    • Attributes:
      • name: Name of the light.
      • isOn: State of the light (on/off).
    • Methods:
      • status(): Prints whether the light is on or off.
      • toggle(): Toggles the light between on and off.
  3. SmartThermostat Class:
    • Attributes:
      • temperature: Current temperature setting.
    • Methods:
      • status(): Prints the current temperature.
      • toggle(): Placeholder for toggle functionality (not used here).
      • setTemperature(double newTemp): Sets a new temperature value.
  4. SmartSecurity Class:
    • Attributes:
      • isArmed: State of the security system (armed/disarmed).
    • Methods:
      • status(): Prints whether the security system is armed or disarmed.
      • toggle(): Toggles the security system between armed and disarmed.
  5. Main Function:
    • Device Creation: Creates instances of SmartLight, SmartThermostat, and SmartSecurity.
    • Device Management: Uses a vector of SmartDevice* to manage and interact with devices.
    • User Interface:
      • Provides a menu for the user to toggle devices, set the thermostat temperature, show the status of devices, or exit the program.
      • Handles user input to perform actions on the devices.


  • Smart Home Control: Simulates a basic smart home system where users can interact with and manage smart devices.
  • Device Status and Control: Allows toggling devices on and off, setting temperatures, and displaying the current status of devices.

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