Binary Search Tree (BST) Implementation Gaming Project in C++


  1. Node Structure:
    • struct Node defines the structure of a node in the BST.
      • int data: Stores the value of the node.
      • Node* left: Pointer to the left child.
      • Node* right: Pointer to the right child.
      • Node(int value): Constructor to initialize a node with a given value and set child pointers to nullptr.
  2. BST Class:
    • Private Members:
      • Node* root: Pointer to the root of the tree.
    • Public Methods:
      • void insert(int value): Inserts a new value into the BST by calling the recursive helper function insertRec.
      • void inorder() const: Performs an in-order traversal of the BST and prints the values.
      • bool search(int value) const: Searches for a value in the BST by calling the recursive helper function searchRec.
    • Private Methods:
      • Node* insertRec(Node* node, int value): Recursively inserts a value into the tree.
        • Creates a new node if the current node is nullptr.
        • Recursively inserts into the left or right subtree based on the value.
      • void inorderRec(Node* node) const: Recursively performs in-order traversal of the tree.
        • Visits left subtree, prints the node data, and then visits the right subtree.
      • bool searchRec(Node* node, int value) const: Recursively searches for a value in the tree.
        • Returns true if the value matches the node’s data.
        • Recursively searches in the left or right subtree based on the value.
  3. Main Function (main):
    • Creates a BST object.
    • Inserts several values into the BST.
    • Performs in-order traversal and prints the result.
    • Searches for specific values and prints whether they are present in the BST.

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