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Database Connectivity (SQLite) Gaming Project in C++


  1. SQLite3 Integration:
    • The program uses the SQLite3 library to handle database operations. Make sure to link the SQLite library during compilation (e.g., -lsqlite3
  2. Database Class:
    • The Database class encapsulates all the SQLite-related functionality, including connecting to the database, creating tables, inserting data, and retrieving data.
  3. Constructor & Destructor:
    • The constructor opens the SQLite database specified by dbName. If the database does not exist, SQLite creates it.
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    • The destructor ensures the database connection is closed properly when the Database object is destroyed.
  4. Create Table:
    • The createTable method creates a SCORES table if it doesn’t already exist. The table has three columns: ID (an auto-incrementing primary key), PLAYER_NAME (a string), and SCORE (an integer).
  5. Insert Data:
    • The insertData method inserts a new player’s name and score into the SCORES table. It constructs an SQL INSERT statement using the provided data and executes it.
  6. Display Data:
    • The displayData method retrieves all records from the SCORES table and displays them. It executes a SELECT statement and uses a callback function to handle the results.
  7. Callback Function:
    • The static callback function is used by SQLite to process the results of a SELECT
      statement. It prints each column of the result to the console.
  8. Main Function:
    • The main function demonstrates how to use the Database class. It creates a database, creates the SCORES table, inserts some sample data, and displays the stored data.

Possible Enhancements:

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