Download Code – the Best Free PHP-Based Online News Portal Project
Online News Portal Project in PHP
An online news portal is a website that provides news and information to the public. It allows users to share news stories, opinion pieces, and other types of content. PHP is a great platform for building an online news portal because it offers flexibility and ease of management.
Why Use PHP for a News Portal?
Using a PHP-based Content Management System (CMS) makes it easy to manage and update website content. It also allows customization without requiring advanced technical skills or a big budget. Many free PHP-based news portal codes are available, making it convenient to set up and personalize the website.
Benefits of an Online News Portal in PHP
- User-Friendly Interface – Easy to navigate and manage content.
- Scalability – Can handle a growing audience and content.
- Security Features – Protects data and ensures safe content management.
- Cost-Effective – Free and open-source PHP software helps save costs.
- Customization – The website can be modified to meet specific needs.
Resources for Building a News Portal
Creating an online news portal can be challenging, but various free tools can help. Some useful resources include:
- Content Management Systems (CMS) – Help organize and publish content easily.
- Open-Source Projects – Provide templates and features for quick setup.
- Additional Tools – Plugins and extensions to enhance functionality.
Optimizing Your News Portal
To make your PHP-based news portal successful, focus on:
- Good Design and Layout – Ensure an engaging user experience.
- SEO Optimization – Improve visibility on search engines.
- Social Media Integration – Share content easily on different platforms.
Business Applications of a News Portal
Businesses can use online news portals to:
- Share updates about products and services.
- Increase brand visibility and audience reach.
- Improve engagement through social media sharing.
- Customize the website using free PHP news portal code.
How to Set Up the News Portal Project
- Install a local web server like XAMPP.
- Download the provided source code.
Installation Steps
- Open XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
- Extract the downloaded source code and copy it into the htdocs folder in XAMPP.
- Open PHPMyAdmin in a browser (http://localhost/phpmyadmin).
- Create a new database named newsportal.
- Import the provided newsportal.sql file.
- Open the project in a browser (http://localhost/101news).
index PHP
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newsportal SQL
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-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 5.1.3 -- -- -- Host: -- Generation Time: Jan 25, 2023 at 07:35 PM -- Server version: 10.4.22-MariaDB -- PHP Version: 7.4.28 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; START TRANSACTION; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; -- -- Database: `newsportal` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `tbladmin` -- CREATE TABLE `tbladmin` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `AdminUserName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `AdminPassword` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `AdminEmailId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `userType` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `CreationDate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `UpdationDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp() ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `tbladmin` -- INSERT INTO `tbladmin` (`id`, `AdminUserName`, `AdminPassword`, `AdminEmailId`, `userType`, `CreationDate`, `UpdationDate`) VALUES (1, 'admin', '88a49c3695747772777310af4038d420', '', 1, '2022-12-12 18:30:00', '2022-12-16 11:30:33'), (2, 'Sarabh', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', '', 0, '2022-12-16 11:32:06', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `tblcategory` -- CREATE TABLE `tblcategory` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `CategoryName` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `Description` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL, `PostingDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `UpdationDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), `Is_Active` int(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `tblcategory` -- INSERT INTO `tblcategory` (`id`, `CategoryName`, `Description`, `PostingDate`, `UpdationDate`, `Is_Active`) VALUES (1, 'ENTERTAINMENT', 'ENTERTAINMENT', '2022-12-13 17:26:13', '2022-12-13 17:41:07', 1), (2, 'TECHNOLOGY', 'TECHNOLOGY', '2022-12-13 17:36:33', NULL, 1), (3, 'LIFESTYLE', 'LIFESTYLE', '2022-12-13 17:36:50', NULL, 1), (4, 'POLITICAL', 'POLITICAL', '2022-12-13 17:37:23', NULL, 1), (5, 'SPORTS', 'SPORTS', '2022-12-13 17:37:48', NULL, 1), (6, 'SPIRITUAL', 'SPIRITUAL', '2022-12-16 11:32:39', NULL, 1); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `tblcomments` -- CREATE TABLE `tblcomments` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `postId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `comment` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL, `postingDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `status` int(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `tblcomments` -- INSERT INTO `tblcomments` (`id`, `postId`, `name`, `email`, `comment`, `postingDate`, `status`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Mayuri K', '', 'hi', '2022-12-16 11:20:07', 1); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `tblpages` -- CREATE TABLE `tblpages` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `PageName` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `PageTitle` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL, `Description` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `PostingDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `UpdationDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp() ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `tblpages` -- INSERT INTO `tblpages` (`id`, `PageName`, `PageTitle`, `Description`, `PostingDate`, `UpdationDate`) VALUES (1, 'aboutus', 'About News Portal', '<p style=\"text-align: justify; \">Mayuri K. is an experienced freelance web developer who specializes in technologies like PHP, Laravel, and Python. She has been working with these technologies for over 6 years and has a proven track record of delivering successful projects. Mayuri is well-versed in the latest advancements in web development and can handle any project from simple static websites to complex web applications. She has a passion for creating high-quality products that are tailored to her clients needs. With her expertise, she can help you create a website or application that is both secure and user-friendly.\r\n</p><p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><b>\r\nFor students or anyone else who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development, Website Development, Academic Project Development at affordable cost contact me at <a href=\"\"></a>\r\n</b></p><p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br></p><p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><b>\r\nNote: </b>Source Code is only available for educational purposes, plz dont use it for commercial purposes without the permission of the original author.</p>', '2021-06-29 18:30:00', '2023-01-25 18:00:11'), (2, 'contactus', 'Contact Details', '<p><br></p><p><b>Address : </b>Maharashtra</p><p><b>Phone Number : </b>+91 -9090909090</p><p><b>Email -id : </b></p>', '2021-06-29 18:30:00', '2022-12-13 16:50:24'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `tblposts` -- CREATE TABLE `tblposts` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `PostTitle` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `CategoryId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `SubCategoryId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `PostDetails` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `PostingDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `UpdationDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), `Is_Active` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `PostUrl` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL, `PostImage` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `viewCounter` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `postedBy` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `lastUpdatedBy` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `tblposts` -- INSERT INTO `tblposts` (`id`, `PostTitle`, `CategoryId`, `SubCategoryId`, `PostDetails`, `PostingDate`, `UpdationDate`, `Is_Active`, `PostUrl`, `PostImage`, `viewCounter`, `postedBy`, `lastUpdatedBy`) VALUES (1, 'Team India on top as Bangladesh two wickets away from getting bowled out', 5, 4, '<p>Team India were humbled 2-1 by a resurgent Bangladesh team in the three-match ODI series which the visitors managed to end on a high thanks to Ishan Kishan’s record double century. The Indian cricket team will now want to switch gears to prepare themselves for red-ball cricket as the first Test against Bangladesh gets underway in Chattogram on Wednesday (December 14). India will resume on 278/6 on Day 2 of the first Test on Thursday (December 15).</p><p>The Indian side will be led by KL Rahul with regular skipper Rohit Sharma ruled out after dislocating his thumb in the second ODI against Bangladesh last week. Shubman Gill is expected to take Rohit’s place at the top of the order alongside stand-in skipper Rahul.<br></p><p>Bangladesh, on the other hand, will be led by veteran all-rounder Shakib al Hasan with Tamim Iqbal missing both the ODI and the Test series with injury. The home side will have their task cut out against the world No. 2-ranked Test side India as they eye first-ever Test match win over them.</p><p>India have promised to play aggressive cricket, much like England’s ‘Bazball’ model which has powered them to a Test series win over Babar Azam’s Pakistan. India need win at least 5 of the next 6 upcoming Tests, which includes the next two Test matches against Bangladesh to assure them of a qualification spot in the World Test Championships final next year.</p><p>The Indian side is injury-hit with the likes of Mohammed Shami and Ravindra Jadeja also ruled out with injury apart from skipper Rohit. It will be interesting to see if Jaydev Unadkat will make a return to Test cricket after a gap of 12 years. Mohammed Siraj and Umesh Yadav will be expected the carry the pace-bowling load while Ravichandran Ashwin and Kuldeep Yadav will team up in the spin bowling department.</p><p>Check all the LIVE Scores and Updates from Day 1 of 1st Test between India and Bangladesh here.</p>', '2022-12-15 18:08:34', NULL, 1, 'Team-India-on-top-as-Bangladesh-two-wickets-away-from-getting-bowled-out', '1167610aa17b0813233fe82d99403e41.jpg', NULL, 'admin', NULL), (2, 'Creative Christmas gift ideas for kids', 3, 8, '<p>With Christmas, a few weeks from now, planning a gift for your kids can be a task quite challenging. Worry not! We have a few ideas for all the parents who are looking for those creative gifts to make their kids Xmas merry.<br></p><div><br></div><p>Being unprepared for Christmas is the very last thing you want. Start looking for presents now, or at the very least start thinking about ideas, rather than waiting until the last minute and this guide is your saviour.<br></p>', '2022-12-15 18:14:00', NULL, 1, 'Creative-Christmas-gift-ideas-for-kids', '646c8915fc1096c12b679108e7022df9.jpg', NULL, 'admin', NULL), (3, 'Petrol prices still high in your city? Centre blames THESE for costly fuel', 4, 9, '<p>The minister said, currently the petrol price in India is one of the lowest. He said the oil marketing companies together suffered losses of Rs 27,276 crore due to high prices of crude in international markets.</p><p><br></p><p>Six states - West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Kerala, and Jharkhand - have not reduced the VAT, he said amidst vocal protests by the opposition members. The minister said, currently the petrol price in India is one of the lowest. </p>', '2022-12-15 18:16:46', '2022-12-15 18:29:46', 1, 'Petrol-prices-still-high-in-your-city?-Centre-blames-THESE-for-costly-fuel', 'c1ae896415041d9173d4935145243c14.jpg', 1, 'admin', NULL), (4, 'Lionel Messi to Kylian Mbappe: Race to FIFA World Cup 2022 Golden Boot, in PICS', 5, 5, '<p>The FIFA World Cup 2022 final are set with Lionel Messis Argentina set to take on Kylian Mbappe France at the Lusail Stadium on Sunday (December 18). Messi and Mbappe, teammates at PSG, are also in the race to win the FIFA World Cup 2022 Golden Boot award as well. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at players in race to win Golden Boot award this year.</p><p>The FIFA World Cup 2022 final are set with Lionel Messis Argentina set to take on Kylian Mbappe France at the Lusail Stadium on Sunday (December 18). Messi and Mbappe, teammates at PSG, are also in the race to win the FIFA World Cup 2022 Golden Boot award as well. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at players in race to win Golden Boot award this year.</p><p>The FIFA World Cup 2022 final are set with Lionel Messis Argentina set to take on Kylian Mbappe France at the Lusail Stadium on Sunday (December 18). Messi and Mbappe, teammates at PSG, are also in the race to win the FIFA World Cup 2022 Golden Boot award as well. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at players in race to win Golden Boot award this year.</p><p>The FIFA World Cup 2022 final are set with Lionel Messis Argentina set to take on Kylian Mbappe France at the Lusail Stadium on Sunday (December 18). Messi and Mbappe, teammates at PSG, are also in the race to win the FIFA World Cup 2022 Golden Boot award as well. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at players in race to win Golden Boot award this year.</p><p><br></p>', '2022-12-15 18:22:51', '2022-12-16 11:20:07', 1, 'Lionel-Messi-to-Kylian-Mbappe:-Race-to-FIFA-World-Cup-2022-Golden-Boot,-in-PICS', 'cefb64713b6ae016047d3bcd8a38e1cc.jpg', 2, 'admin', NULL), (5, 'Twitter suspends journalists from NYT, Washington Post and others covering Elon Musk: Report', 2, 11, 'The Washington Posts Drew Harwell, alongside other banned reporters, was able to participate in a Twitter Spaces audio session while under suspension, exposing a loophole in Twitter’s enforcement.\r\n\r\n\r\nTwitter Inc. suspended the accounts of upstart rival service Mastodon and several prominent journalists covering the social network’s billionaire owner Elon Musk.\r\n\r\nLate Thursday, reporters from publications including the Washington Post, the New York Times, Mashable and CNN were listed as blocked and their tweets were no longer visible, with the companys standard notice saying it suspends accounts that violate the Twitter rules.\r\n\r\nAlso affected was sports and political commentator Keith Olbermann. Musk said Olbermann will be subject to a 7-day suspension for doxxing. In a separate tweet, he alleged the suspended journalists had posted his exact real-time location, describing the information as basically assassination coordinates.', '2022-12-16 11:34:26', '2022-12-16 11:34:47', 1, 'Twitter-suspends-journalists-from-NYT,-Washington-Post-and-others-covering-Elon-Musk:-Report', 'd7c9faa1953eebd19b2ae47f7f201858.jpg', NULL, 'admin', 'admin'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `tblsubcategory` -- CREATE TABLE `tblsubcategory` ( `SubCategoryId` int(11) NOT NULL, `CategoryId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `Subcategory` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `SubCatDescription` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL, `PostingDate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `UpdationDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), `Is_Active` int(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `tblsubcategory` -- INSERT INTO `tblsubcategory` (`SubCategoryId`, `CategoryId`, `Subcategory`, `SubCatDescription`, `PostingDate`, `UpdationDate`, `Is_Active`) VALUES (1, 1, 'BOLLYWOOD', 'BOLLYWOOD', '2022-12-13 17:26:52', '2022-12-13 17:42:55', 1), (2, 1, 'HOLLYWOOD', 'HOLLYWOOD', '2022-12-13 17:27:09', NULL, 1), (3, 1, 'TELEVISION', 'TELEVISION', '2022-12-13 17:27:35', NULL, 1), (4, 5, 'CRICKET', 'CRICKET', '2022-12-13 17:39:12', NULL, 1), (5, 5, 'FOOTBALL', 'FOOTBALL', '2022-12-13 17:39:33', NULL, 1), (6, 5, 'TENNIS', 'TENNIS', '2022-12-13 17:39:53', NULL, 1), (7, 5, 'WWE', 'WWE', '2022-12-13 17:40:17', NULL, 1), (8, 3, 'Culture', 'Culture', '2022-12-15 18:10:39', NULL, 1), (9, 4, 'Economy', 'Economy', '2022-12-15 18:15:11', NULL, 1), (10, 6, 'HINDUISM', 'HINDUISM', '2022-12-16 11:32:56', NULL, 1), (11, 2, 'SOCIAL MEDIA', 'SOCIAL MEDIA', '2022-12-16 11:33:27', NULL, 1); -- -- Indexes for dumped tables -- -- -- Indexes for table `tbladmin` -- ALTER TABLE `tbladmin` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `AdminUserName` (`AdminUserName`); -- -- Indexes for table `tblcategory` -- ALTER TABLE `tblcategory` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `tblcomments` -- ALTER TABLE `tblcomments` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `id` (`id`), ADD KEY `postId` (`postId`); -- -- Indexes for table `tblpages` -- ALTER TABLE `tblpages` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `tblposts` -- ALTER TABLE `tblposts` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `id` (`id`), ADD KEY `postcatid` (`CategoryId`), ADD KEY `postsucatid` (`SubCategoryId`), ADD KEY `subadmin` (`postedBy`); -- -- Indexes for table `tblsubcategory` -- ALTER TABLE `tblsubcategory` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`SubCategoryId`), ADD KEY `catid` (`CategoryId`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables -- -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tbladmin` -- ALTER TABLE `tbladmin` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=3; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tblcategory` -- ALTER TABLE `tblcategory` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=7; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tblcomments` -- ALTER TABLE `tblcomments` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=2; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tblpages` -- ALTER TABLE `tblpages` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=3; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tblposts` -- ALTER TABLE `tblposts` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=6; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tblsubcategory` -- ALTER TABLE `tblsubcategory` MODIFY `SubCategoryId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=12; -- -- Constraints for dumped tables -- -- -- Constraints for table `tblcomments` -- ALTER TABLE `tblcomments` ADD CONSTRAINT `pid` FOREIGN KEY (`postId`) REFERENCES `tblposts` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- -- Constraints for table `tblposts` -- ALTER TABLE `tblposts` ADD CONSTRAINT `postcatid` FOREIGN KEY (`CategoryId`) REFERENCES `tblcategory` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, ADD CONSTRAINT `postsucatid` FOREIGN KEY (`SubCategoryId`) REFERENCES `tblsubcategory` (`SubCategoryId`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, ADD CONSTRAINT `subadmin` FOREIGN KEY (`postedBy`) REFERENCES `tbladmin` (`AdminUserName`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- -- Constraints for table `tblsubcategory` -- ALTER TABLE `tblsubcategory` ADD CONSTRAINT `catid` FOREIGN KEY (`CategoryId`) REFERENCES `tblcategory` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; COMMIT; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; |