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Functional and Non functional Requirements of Automobile Workshop Management System



Product Description

The system consists of an android based application that can provide the online system/application for Automobile Workshop Management System automation. The application should be able to help the customer taking an appointment and to help the mechanic in handling the appointments from the customers.


Problem Statement

Automobile Workshop is totally manual, and the customer time is too much valuable, but Automobile Workshop station is filled at the time.

When they go to Automobile Workshop the customer waits for his turn to check the vehicle by the mechanic.

That wastes a lot of time for the customer.

The record of repair and maintenance is not managed and you won’t know when you change the thing.

How much time it works properly.

How much mileage is given by the part you change in the car.

If you have different cars, it’s difficult to manage the record of the repair and maintenance manual.

No proper time for work done.


No proper accountability of bills for the owner as well as for the customer.


To provide a Automobile Workshop Management System system for the same shop.


 Non Functional Requirements

Efficiency Requirement

Customers can easily and efficiently take an appointment and check time instead of waiting for a long time.

Reliability Requirement

Usability Requirement

Implementation Requirement

Database Security


Functional Requirements

It is the primary requirements that are fulfilled by our application. It’s allowing the users, customers to use our application at the level of ease. The purpose of our workshop is to provide a platform where without wasting the time they can take an appointment. Here is the following requirement that is fulfilled by our system.


User Login

This feature is used by the Customer/admin/Mechanic to login into the system. A user/admin

must log in with his user name and password to the system after registration. If they are invalid, the user is not allowed to enter the system.

 Register New Customer

A new user will have to register in the system by providing essential details to use the application

Add or Delete Cars

 Take Appointment

Customers can take an appointment at home using this application easily.


Select Services

Customers can select services for their choice about what they want to do or according to their needs.

Check invoice

After the completion of the task by the mechanic, the customer can check the invoice.

Check Appointment date and time

Customers can check about the date and time of the appointment easily.


Add Mechanic

Admin can add a new mechanic to the database. The system must be ensuring that the user is an admin and then allow to move the admin dashboard.

View Reports

Admin can review the reports of the different operations performed through the application.

Provide Services

Admin can provide the services to the user and the mechanic.


 Handle Appointment

The mechanic will be able to check the appointment and handle then handle it according to the selected services. The system should must move the authorized user to the mechanic dashboard.

Generate Invoice

After completing the task mechanic will generate the invoice according to the work completed.

Similar Helping Material for Automobile Workshop App

  1. Code of Automobile Workshop Management System
  2. Functional and Non functional Requirements of Automobile Workshop Management System
  3. Use Case Diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System
  4. USE CASES Description of Automobile Workshop Management System
  5. Sequence diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System
  6. Class diagram of Automobile Workshop App
  7. ERD diagram OF Automobile Workshop App
  8. Software Testing of Automobile Workshop Management System
  9. Conceptual diagram of Automobile Workshop App 
  10. Data flow diagram of Automobile Workshop App (DFD)
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