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Functional Requirements For Supermarket Billing System Project (FYP)
- Admin must know all information about bills.
- Admin must know about marketing.
- Admin must know how to take bills.
- Admin must know how to set security.
- Customer must know how to buy things.
- User must know how to manage a time.
- Admin must be able to manage a time.
- Admin must be able to view user details.
- User must be able for searching a product.
- Admin must be able to provide facility to the user for buying things.
- Admin must be able to add new things from the cart.
- Admin must be able to remove things from the car.
- Admin must be able to give details to the market.
- Admin must be able to provide a facility of ATM card for paying bill.
- Admin must be able to apply efficient method for paying bill and for sailing things.
- Admin must be able to designed software for billing system.
- Admin must be able to designed inventory system in a supermarket.
- User must know how to use software for billing system.