Projects Inventory

Functional requirements of Alumni Management System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • Alumni Registration:
      • Allow alumni to create and update their profiles, including personal details, contact information, education history, and professional experience.
    • Admin Management:
      • Admins should be able to manage user accounts, including adding, editing, or deactivating alumni profiles.
    • Role-Based Access Control:
      • Implement different access levels for alumni, administrators, and staff, with permissions based on roles (e.g., event organizers, fundraisers).
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  2. Alumni Directory:
    • Search and Filter:
      • Provide search and filtering options to find alumni based on criteria such as name, graduation year, location, and profession.
    • Directory Display:
      • Display alumni profiles with key information, such as name, graduation year, current occupation, and contact details.
  3. Event Management:
    • Event Creation:
      • Allow admins and event organizers to create and manage alumni events, including reunions, networking events, and seminars.
    • Event Registration:
      • Enable alumni to register for events online and manage their registrations (e.g., RSVP, cancel).
    • Event Notifications:
      • Send email or in-app notifications to alumni about upcoming events, registration confirmations, and reminders.
  4. Communication and Engagement:
    • Newsletters:
      • Allow admins to create and send newsletters or updates to alumni about school news, upcoming events, and other relevant information.
    • Message System:
      • Implement a messaging system for direct communication between alumni and the institution or between alumni themselves.
    • Surveys and Feedback:
      • Create and distribute surveys to gather feedback from alumni on various topics, including events, programs, and alumni services.
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  5. Fundraising and Donations:
    • Donation Management:
      • Allow alumni to make donations online and track their donation history.
    • Fundraising Campaigns:
      • Create and manage fundraising campaigns, track progress, and manage donor information.
    • Donation Receipts:
      • Generate and send receipts for donations, including tax-deductible information.
  6. Career Services:
    • Job Listings:
      • Provide a job board where employers can post job opportunities and alumni can view and apply for jobs.
    • Career Counseling:
      • Offer career counseling services or resources to help alumni with career development.
  7. Alumni Groups and Networks:
    • Group Creation:
      • Allow alumni to create and join groups based on common interests, regions, or professional fields.
    • Group Management:
      • Provide tools for group leaders to manage group activities, communications, and membership.
  8. Data Management:
    • Data Import/Export:
      • Support importing and exporting alumni data in various formats (e.g., CSV, Excel) for integration with other systems or backup.
    • Data Integrity:
      • Implement mechanisms to ensure the accuracy and consistency of alumni data across the system.
  9. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Alumni Statistics:
      • Generate reports on alumni demographics, engagement levels, event attendance, and donation history.
    • Custom Reports:
      • Allow admins to create custom reports based on specific criteria and export them in various formats.
  10. Mobile and Web Access:
    • Responsive Design:
      • Ensure the system is accessible and functional across different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
    • Mobile App:
      • Provide a mobile application for alumni to access their profiles, register for events, and receive notifications.
  11. Integration with External Systems:
    • Social Media Integration:
      • Allow integration with social media platforms for easier communication and event promotion.
    • Payment Gateway Integration:
      • Integrate with payment gateways for processing donations and event registrations.
  12. Security and Privacy:
    • Data Protection:
      • Implement security measures to protect alumni data, including encryption, access controls, and secure authentication methods.
    • Privacy Settings:
      • Allow alumni to control the visibility of their personal information and communication preferences.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • The system should handle a large number of concurrent users, especially during peak times (e.g., event registrations).
    • Response times for critical operations (e.g., profile updates, event registrations) should be under 2-3 seconds.
  2. Scalability:
    • The system should be scalable to accommodate increasing numbers of alumni, events, and data as the institution’s alumni base grows.
    • Support for cloud-based infrastructure to enable scalability and high availability.
  3. Security:
    • Implement robust security measures, including data encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits.
    • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) to protect alumni privacy.
  4. Reliability:
    • Ensure an uptime of at least 99.9% to support continuous operations.
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    • Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to ensure system availability even during hardware failures or network issues.
  5. Usability:
    • Provide an intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate for all user types (alumni, admins, event organizers).
    • Ensure a consistent user experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
    • Include help documentation, FAQs, and customer support features.
  6. Maintainability:
    • The system should be modular, allowing for easy updates, maintenance, and integration of new features.
    • Ensure that the codebase is well-documented to facilitate future development and troubleshooting.
  7. Compliance:
    • Ensure the system complies with relevant data protection regulations and educational institution policies.
    • Implement features that allow users to manage their data, including consent, access, and deletion requests.
  8. Availability:
    • The system should be available 24/7 with minimal planned downtime for maintenance.
    • Use load balancing and other techniques to ensure consistent performance even during peak usage.
  9. Interoperability:
    • The system should integrate seamlessly with existing institutional systems, such as CRM systems, email platforms, and payment gateways.
    • Support standard data formats (e.g., CSV, XML, JSON) for importing and exporting data.
  10. Data Integrity:
    • Ensure the accuracy and consistency of data across the system, particularly for alumni profiles, event registrations, and donations.
    • Implement transaction management to maintain data integrity during concurrent operations.
  11. Response Time:
    • Critical operations like profile updates, event registrations, and donation processing should complete within 2-3 seconds.
    • More complex tasks, such as report generation or bulk data processing, should complete within 5-10 seconds.
  12. Auditability:
    • Maintain detailed logs of all significant actions (e.g., profile updates, donation transactions) for audit purposes.
    • Provide audit trails for monitoring user activities and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
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