REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS of Charity And Donations Management System Android App
Problem Statement:
- Non-profitable organizations are using most expensive ways for their promotions.
- All the users that are willing to take any social assistance, they have to find out different applications for each single category like blood recipient, blood donation etc.
- If any one call the ambulance in medical emergency then ambulance unable to trace out the exact user location and unable to reach the destination easily.
- If some one is lost then their families have limited choices to find their belongings.
- Needy peoples are unaware about the free medical camps arranged by different organizations
- While giving donation through credit cards it maximize the threats regarding to the personal information of the donor.
- To provide services to people .
Non Functional Requirements
Efficiency Requirement
- User can use this in an efficient manner.
Reliability Requirement
- The system should provide a reliable environment to both
Usability Requirement
- CHARITY and DONATIONS Management System Android App is designed for user friendly environment and ease of use..
Implementation Requirement
- Implementation of the system using Java, Xml, Asp and html in front end with Microsoft C# as back end and it will be used for database connectivity. And the database part is developed by sql. Responsive web designing is used for making the website compatible for any type of screen.
Delivery Requirement
- The whole system is expected to be delivered in four months of time with weekly evaluation by the project guide.
Database Security
- Unauthorized person cannot access the panel and database, do not read and write the information.
Functional Requirements
- It is the primary requirements that are fulfilled by our web site .It’s allowing
the users/admin to use our application at the level of ease .
- The purpose of our application is to provide the full information that is required to the user. Here is the following requirement that is fulfilled by our system.
User Login
This feature used by the user to login into system. A user must login with his user name and password to the system after registration. If they are invalid, the user not allowed to enter the system.
- Username and password will be provided after user registration is confirmed.
- Password should be hidden from others while typing it in the field.
Submit Request
- Submit request is basically for needy people that the people can submit their requests according to their needs and these requests are show to other people
Request For Mission Person
- When the user requests for missing person by using CHARITY and DONATIONS Management System Android App a form is displayed on the screen which is filled by user after filling this form a message is displayed that the request is posted successfully.
Manage User
- The administrator can add user, delete user, view user.
Manage Requests
- The administrator can manages all kind of request .
Manage Drivers for Ambulance
- The administrator can manages drivers for ambulance .
Our website is based on the following tools and computer languages:
- Android studio
- Visual studio
- Java (android)
- Xml
- net
Other Tools and Technologies
Microsoft word 2013 (for documentation)
computers equipped with a CORE i7 processor or higher, The computer must have approximately 200MB of free hard drive space and 2000MB of RAM.
- Google chrome Version 75.0.3770.100 (Browser)
- Server side operating system windows server 2008
- Client side operating system Android, windows 7 and above.
More Helping Material of Charity And Donations Android App
- Functional and Non Functional Requirements of Charity And Donations Android App
- Code of Charity And Donations Android App
- Use Case Diagram Charity And Donations Android App
- Use Case Descriptions of Charity And Donations Android App
- Database table of Charity And Donations Android App
- Sequence Diagram Charity And Donations Android App
- Class Diagram Charity And Donations Android App
- Entity relationship Diagram Charity And Donations Android App
- Software Testing of Charity And Donations Management system