Functional requirements of Chat Application with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • User Registration and Authentication:
      • Allow users to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles.
      • Support social media logins or single sign-on (SSO) options.
    • User Profiles:
      • Enable users to set and update their profiles, including username, profile picture, and status.
  2. Messaging:
    • Text Messaging:
      • Support real-time text messaging with features like emoji, stickers, and message formatting.
    • Voice Messaging:
      • Allow users to send and receive voice messages.
    • Video Messaging:
      • Enable users to send and receive video messages or participate in video calls.
  3. Conversation Management:
    • One-on-One Chats:
      • Support private messaging between two users.
    • Group Chats:
      • Allow users to create and manage group conversations with multiple participants.
    • Chat History:
      • Maintain a history of messages for each conversation, with options to search and retrieve past messages.
  4. Notifications:
    • Message Notifications:
      • Notify users of new messages, mentions, or chat updates.
    • Push Notifications:
      • Provide push notifications for new messages or events when the application is in the background or closed.
  5. Media Sharing:
    • File Sharing:
      • Allow users to share various types of files, including images, videos, documents, and audio.
    • Media Previews:
      • Provide previews for media files (e.g., thumbnails for images and videos).
  6. Real-Time Communication:
    • Instant Messaging:
      • Ensure real-time delivery of messages and updates to all participants.
    • Typing Indicators:
      • Show when users are typing or have read messages.
  7. Voice and Video Calls:
    • Voice Calls:
      • Support voice calling between users, with features like mute and speaker options.
    • Video Calls:
      • Enable video calling with features such as camera switching, screen sharing, and call recording.
  8. Privacy and Security:
    • End-to-End Encryption:
      • Ensure messages are encrypted end-to-end to protect user privacy.
    • Block and Report:
      • Allow users to block or report abusive or inappropriate behavior.
  9. User Presence:
    • Online/Offline Status:
      • Show users’ online or offline status and last seen information.
    • Activity Status:
      • Display current activity status (e.g., active, away).
  10. Search and Filtering:
    • Conversation Search:
      • Allow users to search for conversations or specific messages.
    • User Search:
      • Enable users to search for other users by username or contact details.
  11. Customization:
    • Themes and Appearance:
      • Allow users to customize the appearance of the chat application, including themes, color schemes, and notification settings.
    • Custom Emoji and Stickers:
      • Provide options for adding and using custom emojis and stickers.
  12. Settings and Preferences:
    • Notification Settings:
      • Allow users to configure notification preferences, including sound and vibration settings.
    • Privacy Settings:
      • Provide options for managing privacy settings, such as who can see the user’s online status or profile information.
  13. Admin Controls (for Group Chats):
    • Admin Roles:
      • Assign and manage admin roles within group chats to moderate conversations and manage participants.
    • Group Management:
      • Allow admins to add or remove group members, set group names, and manage group settings.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • The system should handle a large number of concurrent users and messages efficiently.
    • Message delivery and updates should occur in real-time with minimal latency (ideally under 1-2 seconds).
  2. Scalability:
    • The system should be scalable to accommodate growing numbers of users and conversations.
    • Support for cloud-based infrastructure to enable scalability and high availability.
  3. Reliability:
    • Ensure an uptime of at least 99.9% to support continuous communication.
    • Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to maintain service availability during outages or failures.
  4. Security:
    • Implement robust security measures, including encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits.
    • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) to safeguard user information.
  5. Usability:
    • Provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate for all users.
    • Ensure a consistent user experience across different devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  6. Maintainability:
    • The system should be modular, allowing for easy updates, maintenance, and integration of new features.
    • Ensure that the codebase is well-documented to facilitate future development and troubleshooting.
  7. Compliance:
    • Ensure the system complies with relevant regulations, such as data protection and telecommunications laws.
    • Implement features that allow users to manage their data access, consent, and deletion requests.
  8. Availability:
    • The system should be available 24/7 with minimal planned downtime for maintenance.
    • Use load balancing and other techniques to ensure consistent performance even during peak usage.
  9. Interoperability:
    • The system should integrate seamlessly with external systems, such as contact management platforms or authentication services.
    • Support standard data formats (e.g., JSON) for importing and exporting data.
  10. Data Integrity:
    • Ensure the accuracy and consistency of data across the system, particularly for messages and user profiles.
    • Implement transaction management to maintain data integrity during concurrent operations.
  11. Response Time:
    • Critical operations, such as sending and receiving messages, should complete within 1-2 seconds.
    • More complex tasks, such as media uploads or group management, should complete within 5-10 seconds.
  12. Auditability:
    • Maintain detailed logs of significant actions (e.g., message sending, user status changes) for audit purposes.
    • Provide audit trails for monitoring user activities and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

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