Functional requirements of Cloud-based File Encryption System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. File Encryption
    • Encryption Algorithms: Support strong encryption algorithms such as AES-256 for encrypting files.
    • File Encryption: Automatically encrypt files before they are uploaded to the cloud and decrypt them upon retrieval.
  2. Key Management
    • Key Generation: Generate encryption keys securely, either automatically or based on user input.
    • Key Storage: Store encryption keys securely, separate from encrypted files, using methods such as hardware security modules (HSMs) or secure cloud key management services.
    • Key Rotation: Support periodic key rotation to enhance security.
  3. User Authentication and Access Control
    • Authentication: Require strong user authentication (e.g., multi-factor authentication) to access the encryption system.
    • Access Control: Implement role-based or attribute-based access control to manage who can encrypt, decrypt, and access files.
  4. File Management
    • Upload/Download: Encrypt files before uploading to the cloud and decrypt files after downloading from the cloud.
    • File Versioning: Support encryption and decryption of different versions of files.
  5. Integration with Cloud Storage
    • Cloud Storage Integration: Integrate with various cloud storage providers (e.g., AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage) to handle encrypted file storage.
    • API Support: Provide APIs for integrating with cloud storage services and other applications.
  6. User Interface
    • Web Interface: Provide a user-friendly web interface for managing file encryption and decryption tasks.
    • Command-Line Interface (CLI): Offer a CLI for advanced users and automation.
  7. Data Recovery
    • Backup and Restore: Implement mechanisms for securely backing up encryption keys and recovering encrypted files in case of data loss.
    • Emergency Access: Provide a secure method for recovering access to encrypted files in case of lost credentials or compromised accounts.
  8. Compliance and Reporting
    • Audit Logging: Maintain detailed logs of encryption and decryption activities for auditing and compliance purposes.
    • Compliance: Ensure the system complies with relevant regulations and standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) for data protection.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Encryption/Decryption Speed: Ensure efficient encryption and decryption processes with minimal impact on file upload and download speeds.
    • Scalability: Scale the system to handle increasing volumes of data and concurrent users.
  2. Usability
    • Ease of Use: Design a user-friendly interface for non-technical users to manage encryption and decryption tasks easily.
    • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation and support to assist users in understanding and using the system.
  3. Reliability
    • System Availability: Ensure high availability of the encryption service with minimal downtime.
    • Fault Tolerance: Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to maintain service continuity in case of component failures.
  4. Security
    • Data Encryption: Ensure that encryption algorithms and key management practices are up-to-date and resistant to known vulnerabilities.
    • Secure Key Storage: Protect encryption keys from unauthorized access using industry-standard security practices.
    • Compliance with Standards: Adhere to security standards and best practices for encryption and data protection.
  5. Maintainability
    • Code Quality: Maintain a clean, well-documented codebase to facilitate updates, debugging, and enhancements.
    • Update Management: Provide a process for deploying updates and patches with minimal disruption.
  6. Compatibility
    • Cloud Providers: Ensure compatibility with multiple cloud storage providers and platforms.
    • Operating Systems: Support various operating systems and environments for accessing and managing encrypted files.
  7. Compliance
    • Regulatory Compliance: Comply with data protection and privacy regulations relevant to the regions in which the system operates.
    • Industry Standards: Follow industry standards for encryption and key management (e.g., NIST, ISO/IEC).
  8. Backup and Recovery
    • Data Backup: Regularly back up encryption keys and configuration settings.
    • Disaster Recovery: Develop and maintain a disaster recovery plan to restore system functionality and data access in case of major failures.

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