Functional requirements of Data Encryption and Decryption System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. Encryption and Decryption
    • Encryption Algorithms: Support various encryption algorithms, including symmetric (e.g., AES, DES) and asymmetric (e.g., RSA, ECC) encryption methods.
    • Decryption Algorithms: Provide corresponding decryption algorithms to reverse the encryption process and retrieve the original data.
    • Key Management: Implement mechanisms for generating, storing, and managing encryption keys securely.
  2. Data Handling
    • File Encryption/Decryption: Enable users to encrypt and decrypt files, including support for different file formats and sizes.
    • Text Encryption/Decryption: Support encryption and decryption of text data, including plain text, JSON, XML, and other formats.
    • Data Streams: Handle encryption and decryption of data streams, such as network communications and real-time data feeds.
  3. Key Management
    • Key Generation: Provide functionality for generating encryption keys, including secure random key generation.
    • Key Storage: Implement secure key storage solutions, such as hardware security modules (HSMs) or encrypted key vaults.
    • Key Rotation: Allow for periodic key rotation to enhance security, including automated or manual key rotation processes.
    • Key Distribution: Facilitate secure distribution of keys to authorized parties, including support for public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates.
  4. Access Control
    • User Authentication: Require authentication for accessing encryption and decryption functions, including support for multi-factor authentication (MFA).
    • Authorization: Implement role-based access control to restrict access to encryption and decryption operations based on user roles and permissions.
  5. Integration
    • APIs: Provide APIs for integration with other systems and applications, allowing for encryption and decryption functionalities to be embedded within broader workflows.
    • Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with existing systems and standards, such as PKI, X.509 certificates, and common encryption libraries.
  6. Logging and Auditing
    • Activity Logging: Log encryption and decryption activities, including timestamps, user identities, and operations performed.
    • Audit Trails: Maintain audit trails for compliance and security monitoring, including detailed logs for key management and data access.
  7. User Interface
    • Dashboard: Provide a user-friendly dashboard for managing encryption and decryption operations, viewing logs, and configuring settings.
    • Configuration Management: Allow users to configure encryption settings, key management policies, and other system parameters.
  8. Compliance and Standards
    • Standards Compliance: Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations for encryption, such as FIPS 140-2/3, GDPR, and HIPAA.
    • Certifications: Obtain relevant security certifications to validate the system’s adherence to best practices and standards.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Processing Speed: Ensure efficient encryption and decryption processing with minimal latency, suitable for real-time or batch processing as needed.
    • Scalability: The system should handle increasing amounts of data and concurrent encryption/decryption operations without performance degradation.
  2. Reliability
    • Uptime: Ensure high system availability with minimal downtime (e.g., 99.9% uptime).
    • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and recovery mechanisms to manage failures in encryption, decryption, or key management processes.
  3. Security
    • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest using industry-standard algorithms and protocols.
    • Key Protection: Ensure that encryption keys are protected against unauthorized access and exposure, using secure storage and management practices.
    • Access Controls: Implement strict access controls to prevent unauthorized use of encryption and decryption functions.
  4. Usability
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that facilitates easy navigation and interaction with encryption and decryption functions.
    • Help and Support: Provide comprehensive help resources, including user guides, tutorials, and support channels.
  5. Maintainability
    • Code Quality: Write high-quality, well-documented code to facilitate system maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting.
    • Documentation: Provide thorough documentation for users, administrators, and developers, including technical specifications, operational procedures, and troubleshooting guides.
  6. Availability
    • Backup and Recovery: Implement regular data backups and establish procedures for recovering encryption keys and configurations in case of system failures or data loss.
    • Failover: Ensure the system has failover capabilities to switch to backup systems or servers if necessary.
  7. Portability
    • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensure the system is compatible with various operating systems and platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices.
  8. Supportability
    • Technical Support: Provide mechanisms for obtaining technical support and resolving issues, including help desks, online resources, and customer service.
    • Error Reporting: Include functionality for reporting and tracking issues or bugs within the system.

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