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Functional requirements of Energy Consumption Management System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Authentication and Authorization
    • Allow users (e.g., individuals, organizations, administrators) to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles.
    • Implement role-based access control to manage permissions based on user roles (e.g., admin, user, energy manager).
  2. Energy Consumption Monitoring
    • Provide tools to monitor and record energy consumption data from various sources (e.g., meters, sensors).
    • Support integration with different types of energy meters and IoT devices.
  3. Data Visualization and Reporting
    • Display energy consumption data in various formats, such as charts, graphs, and tables.
    • Provide reports on energy usage, trends, and comparisons over time.
    • Allow users to generate custom reports based on selected parameters and time periods.
  4. Alert and Notification Management
    • Send alerts and notifications to users about unusual energy consumption patterns, threshold breaches, or system malfunctions.
    • Allow users to configure custom alert settings and notification preferences.
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  5. Energy Efficiency Recommendations
    • Provide recommendations and suggestions for improving energy efficiency based on consumption patterns and historical data.
    • Offer tips and best practices for reducing energy usage and optimizing consumption.
  6. Billing and Cost Management
    • Track and manage energy costs based on consumption data.
    • Integrate with billing systems to calculate and display energy costs, including tariffs and usage-based charges.
  7. Historical Data Analysis
    • Allow users to access and analyze historical energy consumption data.
    • Support comparison of current consumption with historical trends to identify anomalies or improvements.
  8. Integration with External Systems
    • Integrate with external systems such as building management systems (BMS), utility providers, and financial systems.
    • Support API integration for extending system capabilities and connecting with third-party services.
  9. User Interface and Experience
    • Provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for accessing energy consumption data, generating reports, and managing settings.
    • Ensure ease of navigation and accessibility features for users with different needs and abilities.
  10. Data Security and Privacy
    • Protect user data, including personal and consumption information, with encryption and secure access controls.
    • Implement measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and misuse of information.
  11. Documentation and Support
    • Provide user manuals, help guides, and support resources for troubleshooting and training.
    • Offer technical support for system issues and user assistance.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Ensure quick load times for data visualization, report generation, and system interactions.
    • Handle high volumes of data and user requests efficiently.
  2. Scalability
    • Support the addition of new features, data sources, and users as the system grows.
    • Scale to accommodate increasing data volumes, user traffic, and system integrations.
  3. Reliability
    • Ensure high system availability with minimal downtime, especially during peak usage times.
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    • Implement backup and recovery procedures to protect data and ensure business continuity.
  4. Security
    • Protect user data with encryption and secure access controls.
    • Implement measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and financial fraud.
  5. Usability
    • Provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing energy consumption.
    • Ensure ease of navigation and accessibility features for users with different needs and abilities.
  6. Maintainability
    • Design the system for easy updates, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
    • Provide clear documentation for system administrators, developers, and support personnel.
  7. Compatibility
    • Ensure compatibility with various devices (e.g., desktops, tablets, smartphones) and web browsers.
    • Support integration with different operating systems and platforms for a seamless user experience.
  8. Data Integrity
    • Ensure accuracy and consistency of energy consumption data, historical records, and reporting.
    • Implement validation checks and error-handling mechanisms to maintain data quality.
  9. Support and Documentation
    • Provide comprehensive user manuals, help guides, and support resources for troubleshooting and training.
    • Offer technical support for system issues and maintenance.
  10. Auditability
    • Maintain logs of system activity, data access, and changes for auditing purposes.
    • Provide audit trails for data management, user actions, and system access.
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