Functional requirements of Image Forgery Detection System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. Image Analysis
    • Forgery Detection Algorithms: Implement various algorithms to detect different types of forgeries, such as copy-move, splicing, and inpainting.
    • Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features from images to analyze potential tampering, including color histograms, texture patterns, and metadata.
  2. Image Processing
    • Preprocessing: Provide preprocessing capabilities such as noise reduction, image enhancement, and normalization to improve the accuracy of forgery detection.
    • Segmentation: Segment images to isolate regions of interest that may have been altered.
  3. Forgery Identification
    • Tamper Localization: Identify and highlight regions within an image that are suspected of tampering or manipulation.
    • Forgery Classification: Classify the type of forgery detected, such as manipulation, insertion, or removal.
  4. Metadata Analysis
    • EXIF Data Extraction: Extract and analyze EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) metadata to identify discrepancies or anomalies that may indicate tampering.
    • Metadata Comparison: Compare image metadata with expected values or historical data to detect potential modifications.
  5. Reporting and Visualization
    • Results Display: Provide visual representations of detected forgeries, such as overlays or bounding boxes around altered regions.
    • Detailed Reports: Generate comprehensive reports summarizing the detection results, including type and extent of forgery, analysis methods, and evidence.
  6. User Interaction
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive user interface for uploading images, viewing results, and interacting with the system.
    • Customization: Allow users to configure detection parameters, thresholds, and analysis settings based on their needs.
  7. Integration and Compatibility
    • File Format Support: Support a wide range of image file formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and others.
    • External Integration: Integrate with other systems or databases for additional analysis or data retrieval.
  8. Data Management
    • Image Storage: Manage and store uploaded images and detection results securely.
    • Data Privacy: Ensure user data and image content are handled with confidentiality and comply with privacy regulations.
  9. Performance Monitoring
    • Accuracy Metrics: Provide metrics on the accuracy, precision, and recall of the forgery detection algorithms.
    • System Monitoring: Monitor system performance and resource usage to ensure efficient operation.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Processing Speed: Ensure that the system processes images and detects forgeries with minimal latency, providing timely results.
    • Scalability: Support the processing of large volumes of images and simultaneous user requests without performance degradation.
  2. Usability
    • User Interface: Design a user-friendly and intuitive interface that facilitates easy interaction with the system.
    • Documentation: Provide comprehensive user guides and help documentation to assist users in understanding and using the system effectively.
  3. Reliability
    • System Stability: Ensure high system availability with minimal downtime, especially for critical operations.
    • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and recovery mechanisms to manage and mitigate system failures or anomalies.
  4. Security
    • Data Encryption: Encrypt data during transmission and storage to protect against unauthorized access and breaches.
    • Access Control: Implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure access to the system and its functionalities.
  5. Maintainability
    • Code Quality: Maintain a clean, well-documented, and modular codebase to facilitate updates, debugging, and maintenance.
    • Update Management: Provide a structured process for deploying updates and patches with minimal disruption.
  6. Compatibility
    • Platform Support: Ensure compatibility with various operating systems and hardware configurations.
    • Integration Compatibility: Support integration with other software or systems, such as image editing tools or forensic analysis platforms.
  7. Compliance
    • Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to relevant regulations and standards related to data privacy, image authenticity, and forensic analysis.
    • Ethical Standards: Follow ethical guidelines for image analysis and handling of potentially sensitive content.
  8. Backup and Recovery
    • Data Backup: Implement regular backups of system data, including images and detection results, to prevent data loss.
    • Disaster Recovery: Develop and maintain a disaster recovery plan to restore system functionality and data in case of major failures.

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