Functional requirements of Online Assessment System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management
    • Account Creation and Login: Allow users to create accounts, log in securely, and manage their profiles. Users include administrators, assessors, and examinees.
    • Role-Based Access Control: Implement role-based access control to define permissions and access levels for different types of users (e.g., admin, instructor, student).
    • Profile Management: Enable users to update personal details, contact information, and passwords.
  2. Assessment Creation
    • Question Types: Support various question types, such as multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, essay, and fill-in-the-blank.
    • Question Bank: Provide a repository for storing and managing questions, including categorization and tagging for easy retrieval.
    • Assessment Design: Allow the creation of assessments with customizable formats, including question randomization, time limits, and scoring criteria.
  3. Assessment Management
    • Scheduling: Facilitate scheduling of assessments, including setting start and end dates, and time limits.
    • Version Control: Manage different versions of assessments and maintain version history.
    • Draft and Publish: Support the creation of draft assessments and the option to publish them once finalized.
  4. User Participation
    • Assessment Access: Provide a user-friendly interface for participants to access and complete assessments.
    • Timed Assessments: Implement time limits for assessments, with countdown timers and auto-submission upon expiry.
    • Save and Resume: Allow users to save progress and resume assessments later if applicable.
  5. Scoring and Evaluation
    • Automatic Scoring: Implement automatic scoring for objective questions (e.g., multiple-choice, true/false).
    • Manual Grading: Provide tools for manual grading of subjective questions (e.g., essays) with support for feedback and comments.
    • Score Calculation: Calculate and display scores, including overall assessment scores and detailed breakdowns.
  6. Reporting and Analytics
    • Performance Reports: Generate detailed reports on individual and group performance, including scores, completion times, and question-level analytics.
    • Statistical Analysis: Provide statistical analysis of assessment data, such as average scores, distribution, and item difficulty.
    • Custom Reports: Allow users to create and export custom reports based on specific criteria or needs.
  7. Security and Integrity
    • Proctoring: Implement measures to prevent cheating, such as browser lockdowns, webcam monitoring, or randomization of questions.
    • Data Protection: Ensure the security and confidentiality of user data and assessment results.
  8. Integration
    • Learning Management System (LMS): Integrate with LMS for seamless management of assessments within the broader learning environment.
    • Third-Party Tools: Support integration with third-party tools or services, such as plagiarism checkers or analytics platforms.
  9. Communication and Notifications
    • Alerts and Reminders: Send notifications to users about upcoming assessments, deadlines, and results.
    • Feedback Mechanism: Provide feedback on performance and assessment results to participants.
  10. Accessibility and Usability
    • Multilingual Support: Offer support for multiple languages if required by the user base.
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive and accessible interface for creating, managing, and participating in assessments.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Response Time: Ensure quick response times for user interactions, such as loading assessments, submitting responses, and generating reports (e.g., under 2 seconds for most operations).
    • Scalability: The system should handle increasing numbers of users, assessments, and data without performance degradation.
  2. Reliability
    • Uptime: Ensure high system availability with minimal downtime (e.g., 99.9% uptime).
    • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and recovery mechanisms to manage system failures and ensure data integrity.
  3. Security
    • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data, including user credentials and assessment results, both in transit and at rest.
    • Authentication and Authorization: Use secure authentication methods and role-based access control to manage user permissions and protect data.
    • Fraud Prevention: Implement measures to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, such as cheating or unauthorized access.
  4. Usability
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for creating, managing, and participating in assessments.
    • Accessibility: Ensure the system is accessible to users with disabilities, following accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG).
  5. Maintainability
    • Code Quality: Write high-quality, well-documented code to facilitate system maintenance and updates.
    • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation for users, administrators, and developers, including user guides, technical manuals, and troubleshooting guides.
  6. Availability
    • Backup and Recovery: Implement regular data backups and establish procedures for data recovery in case of system failures or data loss.
    • Failover: Ensure the system has failover capabilities to switch to backup systems or servers if necessary.
  7. Portability
    • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensure the system is compatible with various devices and operating systems used by users, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  8. Supportability
    • Technical Support: Provide mechanisms for obtaining technical support and resolving issues, including help desks, online resources, and customer service.
    • Error Reporting: Include functionality for reporting issues or bugs and tracking their resolution.

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