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Functional requirements of Pet Adoption Portal with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • Registration & Authentication: Allow users (adopters and administrators) to create accounts, log in, and recover passwords. Support multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.
    • Profile Management: Enable users to manage their profiles, including personal details, contact information, and preferences.
    • Role-Based Access: Provide different roles with specific permissions (e.g., Adopter, Shelter Staff, Administrator) and functionalities.
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  2. Pet Profile Management:
    • Pet Listings: Allow shelters to create and manage detailed profiles for each pet, including images, breed, age, size, medical history, and personality traits.
    • Adoptability Status: Manage and update the adoptability status of pets (e.g., available, pending adoption, adopted).
    • Pet Details: Provide comprehensive details about each pet, including care requirements, special needs, and adoption fees.
  3. Search and Filter:
    • Pet Search: Implement a search feature to allow users to find pets based on criteria such as breed, age, size, and location.
    • Filtering Options: Provide filtering options to refine search results based on pet characteristics and availability.
  4. Adoption Application:
    • Application Form: Allow users to submit adoption applications online, including personal information, living situation, and experience with pets.
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    • Application Tracking: Enable users to track the status of their adoption applications and receive updates.
  5. Appointment Scheduling:
    • Meet-and-Greet Scheduling: Allow users to schedule appointments to meet pets in person at shelters or foster homes.
    • Appointment Management: Provide functionality to manage and confirm appointment times and locations.
  6. Communication:
    • Messaging: Facilitate secure messaging between potential adopters and shelter staff or foster caregivers.
    • Notifications: Send notifications to users about application status, appointment reminders, and updates on pets.
  7. Shelter Management:
    • Shelter Profiles: Allow shelters to create and manage their profiles, including contact information, location, and operating hours.
    • Inventory Management: Manage and update the list of available pets, including their adoptability status and details.
  8. Donation and Fundraising:
    • Donations: Enable users to make donations to support shelters and pet care initiatives.
    • Fundraising Campaigns: Support fundraising campaigns for specific needs or shelter projects.
  9. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Adoption Statistics: Generate reports on adoption rates, pet types, and user demographics.
    • Shelter Performance: Provide analytics on shelter activity, including pet intake and adoption rates.
  10. Admin Features:
    • User Management: Allow administrators to manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.
    • System Configuration: Enable configuration of system settings, including notifications, application forms, and search filters.
  11. Content Management:
    • Blog/Articles: Provide a section for articles, blogs, or news updates related to pet care, adoption success stories, and shelter events.
    • Resource Library: Offer resources and guides on pet care, adoption procedures, and responsible pet ownership.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • Scalability: Ensure the system can handle increasing numbers of users, pets, and adoption applications efficiently.
    • Response Time: Maintain quick response times for searches, application submissions, and user interactions.
  2. Reliability:
    • High Availability: Achieve high availability with minimal downtime to ensure continuous access to the portal.
    • Fault Tolerance: Implement mechanisms to handle system failures and ensure uninterrupted service.
  3. Security:
    • Data Encryption: Ensure encryption of sensitive data, such as personal information and adoption applications, both in transit and at rest.
    • Access Control: Implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect user accounts and data.
    • Compliance: Adhere to relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) to ensure privacy and security.
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  4. Usability:
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy navigation, pet searches, and application submissions.
    • Accessibility: Ensure the portal is accessible to users with disabilities, following guidelines such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
  5. Maintainability:
    • Code Quality: Maintain high code quality and follow best practices to facilitate system updates and maintenance.
    • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation for users and developers, including user manuals, API documentation, and system guides.
  6. Support:
    • Customer Service: Offer timely and effective support through various channels, such as live chat, email, and phone.
    • Help Center: Maintain a knowledge base or help center with FAQs, guides, and troubleshooting information.
  7. Compatibility:
    • Cross-Browser Support: Ensure compatibility with major web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
    • Mobile Responsiveness: Design the system to be fully functional on mobile devices, providing a seamless experience across platforms.
  8. Backup and Recovery:
    • Regular Backups: Implement regular backups of data, including pet profiles, user information, and adoption applications, to prevent loss.
    • Recovery Procedures: Establish procedures for data recovery and system restoration to handle data loss or corruption.
  9. Integration:
    • Interoperability: Ensure the system can integrate seamlessly with other systems or services, such as social media platforms for pet promotion and external payment gateways.
    • API Flexibility: Provide flexible APIs to accommodate various integration needs with external systems.
  10. Data Quality:
    • Accuracy: Ensure the accuracy and reliability of pet information, user data, and adoption applications.
    • Timeliness: Provide timely updates to reflect current pet availability, application statuses, and shelter information.
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