Functional requirements of Real-time Earthquake Monitoring System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. Seismic Data Collection
    • Sensor Integration: Integrate with a network of seismometers and accelerometers to collect real-time seismic data from various locations.
    • Data Acquisition: Continuously acquire and record data on ground movements, including seismic waves and intensity.
  2. Real-Time Data Processing
    • Data Filtering and Calibration: Filter and calibrate raw seismic data to remove noise and ensure accuracy.
    • Earthquake Detection: Implement algorithms to detect earthquake events based on seismic signals, including automatic identification of the earthquake’s origin.
  3. Event Localization and Analysis
    • Epicenter Calculation: Calculate the epicenter (location) and depth of earthquakes using data from multiple sensors.
    • Magnitude Estimation: Determine the magnitude of the earthquake using established scales (e.g., Richter or Moment Magnitude Scale).
  4. Alert and Notification System
    • Real-Time Alerts: Send immediate alerts to users and relevant authorities when an earthquake is detected, including information about the event’s magnitude, location, and potential impact.
    • Warning Notifications: Provide warnings for areas potentially affected by the earthquake, including tsunami alerts if applicable.
  5. Data Visualization and Reporting
    • Interactive Maps: Display real-time earthquake data on interactive maps, showing the locations, magnitudes, and impacts of recent earthquakes.
    • Seismic Activity Dashboard: Provide a dashboard with visualizations of recent and historical seismic activity, including charts and graphs.
  6. Historical Data Access
    • Earthquake Database: Maintain a comprehensive database of historical earthquake events, including detailed records and metadata.
    • Search and Query: Allow users to search and query historical earthquake data based on parameters such as location, date, and magnitude.
  7. User Management and Access Control
    • User Accounts: Support user accounts with different roles and permissions, including administrators, analysts, and general users.
    • Access Control: Manage access to different features and data based on user roles and permissions.
  8. Integration with External Systems
    • Emergency Services Integration: Provide integration with emergency response systems and authorities to coordinate disaster response efforts.
    • Public Information Systems: Integrate with public information channels, such as news services and social media, to disseminate earthquake information.
  9. Data Security and Privacy
    • Secure Data Transmission: Ensure secure transmission of seismic data to prevent tampering or unauthorized access.
    • Data Privacy: Protect sensitive information related to earthquake monitoring and user data.
  10. Support and Maintenance
    • Technical Support: Offer technical support for users experiencing issues with the system.
    • System Updates: Provide regular updates and maintenance to ensure system reliability and incorporate improvements.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Real-Time Processing: Ensure low-latency processing of seismic data to provide real-time earthquake detection and alerts.
    • Scalability: Design the system to handle increasing volumes of seismic data and user interactions as the network of sensors grows.
  2. Reliability
    • System Uptime: Maintain high system availability with minimal downtime to ensure continuous monitoring and reporting of seismic activities.
    • Fault Tolerance: Implement fault-tolerant mechanisms to ensure system operation in case of hardware or software failures.
  3. Usability
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for accessing real-time data, alerts, and historical information.
    • Accessibility: Ensure the system is accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise and physical abilities.
  4. Security
    • Data Protection: Implement strong security measures to protect seismic data and user information from unauthorized access and breaches.
    • Authentication and Authorization: Use secure authentication methods and access controls to manage user permissions and data access.
  5. Maintainability
    • Code Quality: Maintain a well-documented and modular codebase to facilitate maintenance, updates, and future development.
    • Update Management: Provide a structured process for deploying updates and patches, including testing and user notifications.
  6. Compatibility
    • Hardware Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with various seismic sensors and data acquisition hardware.
    • Software Compatibility: Ensure the system is compatible with different operating systems and software platforms used by users.
  7. Compliance
    • Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to relevant regulations and standards related to seismic monitoring and data reporting.
    • Data Standards: Follow established standards for seismic data formats and reporting to ensure interoperability with other systems.
  8. Backup and Recovery
    • Data Backup: Implement regular backups of seismic data and system configurations to prevent data loss.
    • Disaster Recovery: Develop and maintain a disaster recovery plan to restore system functionality and data in case of major failures or emergencies.

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