Functional requirements of School Management System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • User Roles and Permissions: Define roles such as students, teachers, administrators, parents, and support staff, each with specific permissions and access levels.
    • User Registration and Authentication: Allow users to register, log in, and securely manage their accounts.
    • Profile Management: Enable users to view and update their personal information, contact details, and preferences.
  2. Student Management:
    • Enrollment: Manage student enrollment, including registration, admission, and class assignment.
    • Student Records: Maintain detailed student profiles with academic history, personal information, attendance records, and medical information.
    • Student Transfer: Handle student transfers between classes or schools, including updating records and managing transitions.
  3. Class and Curriculum Management:
    • Class Scheduling: Create and manage class schedules, including assigning teachers and classrooms.
    • Curriculum Management: Define and manage curriculum details, including subjects, lesson plans, and course materials.
    • Timetable Generation: Automatically generate timetables for students and teachers based on schedules and availability.
  4. Attendance Management:
    • Daily Attendance: Record and manage student attendance for each class, including tracking absences and tardiness.
    • Attendance Reports: Generate reports on attendance patterns and statistics for students, classes, and teachers.
  5. Grading and Assessment:
    • Grade Entry: Allow teachers to enter and update student grades and assessment results.
    • Report Cards: Generate and distribute report cards or transcripts with grades, comments, and overall performance.
    • Progress Tracking: Track and analyze student performance over time, including test scores, assignments, and project evaluations.
  6. Communication:
    • Announcements: Send school-wide or class-specific announcements and updates to students, parents, and staff.
    • Messaging: Provide messaging features for communication between teachers, students, and parents.
    • Notifications: Send notifications about important events, deadlines, and academic performance.
  7. Fee Management:
    • Fee Structure: Define and manage school fee structures, including tuition, extracurricular activities, and other charges.
    • Billing and Payment: Generate and manage invoices, process payments, and track fee collection.
    • Fee Reports: Generate reports on fee payments, outstanding balances, and financial records.
  8. Library Management:
    • Book Catalog: Manage and maintain a catalog of library books and resources.
    • Check-In/Check-Out: Track book check-ins and check-outs, including overdue notices and fines.
    • Library Reports: Generate reports on book usage, inventory, and library activities.
  9. Extracurricular Activities:
    • Activity Management: Manage extracurricular activities, including clubs, sports, and events.
    • Enrollment: Allow students to enroll in and track their participation in extracurricular activities.
    • Event Scheduling: Schedule and manage school events, including activities, competitions, and parent-teacher meetings.
  10. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Academic Reports: Generate reports on student performance, attendance, and academic progress.
    • Administrative Reports: Provide reports on school operations, fee collection, and staff performance.
    • Data Analysis: Analyze data to identify trends, make informed decisions, and improve school operations.
  11. Security and Compliance:
    • Data Protection: Implement measures to protect sensitive student and staff data, including compliance with data protection regulations.
    • Access Control: Ensure proper access control based on user roles and permissions.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • Response Time: Ensure the system has fast response times for user interactions, data retrieval, and report generation.
    • Scalability: The system should handle increasing numbers of users, students, and data as the school grows.
  2. Reliability:
    • Availability: Maintain high system availability with minimal downtime to ensure continuous access.
    • Fault Tolerance: Implement mechanisms to handle system failures and ensure continuity of operations.
  3. Usability:
    • User Interface: Design a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate for students, teachers, and administrators.
    • Accessibility: Ensure the system is accessible to users with disabilities, following accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG).
  4. Security:
    • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data, including personal and academic information, to protect it from unauthorized access.
    • Authentication and Authorization: Implement strong authentication mechanisms and role-based access control to secure the system.
    • Compliance: Adhere to relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, FERPA) to ensure privacy and security.
  5. Maintainability:
    • Code Quality: Ensure high-quality, well-documented code to facilitate maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting.
    • System Updates: Support regular updates and patches to address bugs, security vulnerabilities, and feature enhancements.
  6. Compatibility:
    • Cross-Platform Support: Ensure the system is compatible with various operating systems and devices (e.g., desktops, tablets, smartphones).
    • Browser Compatibility: Ensure the web-based interface works across major web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
  7. Backup and Recovery:
    • Data Backup: Implement regular backups of system data to prevent loss and ensure data integrity.
    • Disaster Recovery: Develop a disaster recovery plan to restore operations quickly in case of major disruptions or data loss.
  8. Legal and Compliance:
    • Privacy Policy: Clearly state privacy policies and terms of service to comply with legal requirements and build user trust.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the system complies with educational regulations, data protection laws, and other relevant standards.

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