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Functional requirements of Vehicle Rental System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • Customer Module:
      • Customer registration and profile management.
      • View rental history and current bookings.
      • Manage payment information and preferences.
    • Admin Module:
      • Add, update, and remove vehicles from the fleet.
      • Manage customer and driver information.
      • Assign roles and permissions.
    • Driver Module:
      • Register and manage driver profiles.
      • Track assigned trips and completed rides.
      • Update availability status.
  2. Vehicle Management:
    • Vehicle Inventory:
      • Add new vehicles to the system with detailed attributes (type, model, registration number, etc.).
      • Update vehicle status (available, in use, under maintenance).
    • Maintenance Scheduling:
      • Track vehicle maintenance schedules.
      • Record and manage vehicle servicing and repairs.
  3. Rental Booking and Reservation:
    • Vehicle Search:
      • Allow customers to search for vehicles based on criteria (type, price, location, availability).
    • Reservation System:
      • Allow users to reserve vehicles for specific dates and times.
      • Manage cancellations and modifications to bookings.
    • Pricing:
      • Set dynamic pricing based on vehicle type, duration, demand, and location.
      • Apply discounts, promo codes, and special offers.
  4. Rental Process:
    • Pick-Up/Drop-Off Management:
      • Specify pick-up and drop-off locations for vehicle rentals.
      • Allow customers to select delivery of vehicles to their location.
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    • Rental Agreements:
      • Generate and manage digital rental agreements for each booking.
      • Enable electronic signing of contracts.
    • Check-in/Check-out:
      • Manage the process of vehicle handover, including condition checks and mileage logging.
  5. Payment and Billing:
    • Payment Integration:
      • Accept payments via various methods (credit/debit cards, PayPal, etc.).
    • Invoicing:
      • Automatically generate invoices based on rental terms.
    • Refund Management:
      • Process refunds for cancelled bookings or deposit returns.
    • Security Deposits:
      • Manage pre-authorized security deposits during bookings.
  6. Customer Feedback and Rating:
    • Allow customers to rate vehicles and drivers.
    • Enable feedback submission for services, vehicle condition, and overall experience.
  7. Notifications and Alerts:
    • Send booking confirmations, reminders, and updates via email or SMS.
    • Alert admins on vehicle maintenance schedules or booking issues.
  8. Driver Assignment (if required):
    • Assign drivers to bookings for vehicles that require a driver.
    • Track driver availability and assign them to rides based on proximity and availability.
  9. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Rental Reports:
      • Generate reports on vehicle rentals, revenue, and customer activity.
    • Vehicle Utilization:
      • Provide insights into vehicle usage, including downtime and maintenance frequency.
    • Customer Reports:
      • Analyze customer rental patterns and feedback to improve services.
  10. Insurance and Legal:
    • Store and manage vehicle insurance details.
    • Generate necessary legal documents for customers during the rental process.
  11. Loyalty Program:
    • Implement a reward system for frequent customers.
    • Allow customers to earn and redeem loyalty points.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • The system should support multiple concurrent users without slowdowns.
    • Booking confirmations and payment processing should happen within 2-3 seconds.
  2. Scalability:
    • The system should be scalable to handle increasing users and vehicles.
    • Capable of supporting thousands of simultaneous bookings during peak times.
  3. Security:
    • Secure customer data through encryption (e.g., for payment info, personal data).
    • Implement role-based access control to restrict access to sensitive modules.
    • Provide two-factor authentication for admin and customer login.
  4. Reliability:
    • The system should provide an uptime of at least 99.9%.
    • Implement backup and recovery mechanisms to prevent data loss during failures.
  5. Usability:
    • The system interface should be intuitive for both admins and customers.
    • Provide mobile-friendly access for users on smartphones and tablets.
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    • Include user guides or tooltips for ease of navigation.
  6. Maintainability:
    • The system should be modular and easy to update.
    • Regular system updates and patches should not affect normal operations.
    • Ensure the codebase is well-documented for future development.
  7. Compliance:
    • The system should comply with local vehicle rental regulations and industry standards.
    • Ensure compliance with data protection laws (such as GDPR) for handling personal data.
  8. Availability:
    • The system must be available 24/7 for users across different time zones.
    • Scheduled maintenance should be communicated to users in advance.
  9. Data Integrity:
    • The system should ensure data accuracy and prevent double-bookings or conflicting reservations.
    • Transactions should be atomic to prevent incomplete booking or payment processing.
  10. Interoperability:
    • The system should integrate with third-party payment gateways, GPS tracking for vehicles, and CRM systems.
    • It should support standard formats like CSV and XML for data export/import.
  11. Response Time:
    • User actions like searching for vehicles or confirming bookings should respond within 2-3 seconds.
    • Large reports should generate within a maximum of 10 seconds.
  12. Scalability:
    • The system should scale to accommodate more users, vehicles, and locations as the business grows.
    • Should support cloud-based or distributed deployment for geographic expansion.
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