Guess the Number Game Gaming Project in C++


  1. Random Number Generation:
    • srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))) seeds the random number generator with the current time to ensure different results on each run.
    • rand() % (MAX - MIN + 1) + MIN generates a random number between MIN and MAX.
  2. Game Loop:
    • The do-while loop continues until the player guesses the correct number.
    • cin >> guess reads the player’s guess from the standard input.
    • If the guess is too high, the program informs the player to guess lower.
    • If the guess is too low, the program informs the player to guess higher.
    • If the guess is correct, the program congratulates the player and displays the number of attempts taken.
  3. Variables:
    • targetNumber: Stores the randomly generated number the player needs to guess.
    • guess: Stores the player’s current guess.
    • attempts: Counts the number of guesses made by the player.
  4. User Interaction:
    • The program interacts with the player through cout and cin, providing feedback and prompting for guesses.

Possible Enhancements:

  • Input Validation: Ensure the player inputs a valid number within the specified range.
  • Difficulty Levels: Add difficulty levels by changing the range of numbers or the number of allowed attempts.
  • Replay Option: Allow the player to play multiple rounds without restarting the program.
  • Hints: Provide hints or a range of numbers that are closer to the target number as guesses are made.

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