Handwriting Recognition Gaming Project in C++


  1. Dependencies:
    • OpenCV is used for image processing and machine learning functions. You need to have OpenCV installed and properly linked with your project.
  2. Load Pre-trained Model:
    • Ptr<KNearest> knn = KNearest::create(); creates a KNN object.
    • knn->read("knn_model.xml"); loads a pre-trained KNN model from an XML file. You need to have this model pre-trained and saved.
  3. Load and Preprocess Image:
    • imread("handwritten_digit.png", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); loads the handwritten digit image in grayscale mode.
    • resize(img, resized_img, Size(28, 28)); resizes the image to 28×28 pixels to match the training size.
    • resized_img.convertTo(resized_img, CV_32F); converts the image to a floating-point format suitable for KNN.
    • flattened_img = resized_img.reshape(1, 1); flattens the 2D image to a 1D vector.
  4. Predict the Digit:
    • knn->findNearest(flattened_img, 1, result); performs the KNN classification and stores the result.
    • result.at<float>(0, 0) contains the predicted digit.
  5. Output the Result:
    • cout << "Predicted digit: " << result.at<float>(0, 0) << endl; prints the predicted digit.


  • Pre-trained Model: You need a pre-trained KNN model to recognize handwritten digits. You can train this model using a dataset like MNIST and save it as knn_model.xml.
  • Handwritten Digit Image: Ensure you have an image file named handwritten_digit.png with a digit to test.

Possible Enhancements:

  • Improved Accuracy: Use more sophisticated algorithms or deep learning models for better accuracy.
  • Real-time Recognition: Implement real-time recognition using a camera and dynamic preprocessing.
  • GUI Integration: Create a graphical user interface to allow users to draw digits and see predictions interactively.

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