Linked List Implementation Gaming Project in C++


  1. Node Structure: Defines the building block of the linked list.
    • data: Holds the value of the node.
    • next: Points to the next node in the list.
  2. LinkedList Class: Manages the linked list operations.
    • Constructor: Initializes head to nullptr, indicating an empty list.
    • Destructor: Deletes all nodes to free up memory when the list is destroyed.
    • append Method: Adds a new node with a given value to the end of the list.
    • printList Method: Prints all nodes in the list, showing their values and the end of the list as nullptr.
    • deleteValue Method: Deletes the first node with a specified value from the list. Handles cases where the node to delete is the head or somewhere else in the list.
  3. Main Function:
    • Creates an instance of the LinkedList class.
    • Appends several values to the list.
    • Prints the list to show its current state.
    • Deletes a specific value from the list and prints the updated list.

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