Factorial program in C++ [call-by-reference]

Factorial program in C++ with call-by-reference

Output Enter the Number: 4 Factorial = 24

C++ Project download [Student Record Management System]

C++ Project download [Student Record Management System].


C++ Code Tic Tac Toe Game 

Let me share with you C++ Code of Tic Tac Toe Game project.

Output   Tic Tac Toe Game_Player 1 (X) – Game_Player 2 (O) | | 1 | 2 | X *******|*******|******* | | O | X | 6 *******|*******|******* | | 7 | 8 | 9 | | Game_Player 2, enter a …

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Doctor Appointment C++ Project

Free source code download for Doctor Appointment Project in C++

Output Doctor Appointment System |||||||||||||||||||| Welcome to projectsinventory.com Press1 For. Book Appointment Press2 For. Check Existing Appointment For 0 For. Exit Please Enter you choice: 1 ||- Book Your Appointment || ||- Availbale slots || Appointment Available for following hours : A -> 09 …

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Use case Description of Beauty Parlour/Salon Management system

  3.5 Use Cases Table 1: Use Case 1 Use Case Login Actor Users, Parlor ,Admin Description The Use case is start when the actors sign in. 1. User wishes to login. 2. The system displays the login page that asks the actor to enter email and password. Basic    course    of 3. The actor submits …

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Beauty Parlour/Salon Functional Non Functional Requirements

REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS 3.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION 3.1.1 Product Description: This system consists a website which provide the online beauty parlor service. Web site should be able to help the customer for searching beauty parlor and services online. It help the parlor admin to sell all detail in brief like total number of customer, total number …

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Beauty Parlour/Salon Management system SRS Documentation

INTRODUCTION Beauty Parlor Management System is basically a web-based application that is built in Codeigniter, PHP, Html, Bootstrap, CSS, JS (javascript), and jQuery. And for the backend of the system, SQL server has been used (i.e. Database) so that it will be easy to retrieve later. Also, the main aim of the system is to …

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Things You Need to Know Before Submitting Your Project Report

There are so many things that require a document format, and documents are not the only thing that uses the format. PDF files have become a critical part of everyday reporting and recording tasks. PDFs, from project reports, assignments, and proposals to signed contracts, are used to record, store, and share valuable data between teams …

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