PHP and SQL-Based Train Scheduler App Using OOP

Download code _ PHP and SQL-Based Train Scheduler App Using OOP

Train Scheduler App (PHP & MySQL)


The Train Scheduler App is a simple web application developed using PHP OOP and MySQL Database. It helps train stations provide passengers with a platform to monitor upcoming or current train schedules. The app has a clean and user-friendly interface, designed with the Bootstrap v5 Framework. It includes useful features to make schedule management easy for station staff.

Features and Functionalities

  • Add New Schedule ā€“ Allows station staff to add train schedules.
  • List All Schedules ā€“ Displays all upcoming and current train schedules.
  • Edit Schedule ā€“ Enables staff to update train details.
  • Delete Schedule ā€“ Allows removal of outdated schedules.
  • Real-Time Schedule Updates ā€“ Automatically updates the estimated arrival time of trains.

How the Train Scheduler App Works

The Train Scheduler App is simple to use. It helps passengers monitor how long they need to wait for their train at a station. The schedules are managed by station staff, who can add train details such as arrival time, next destination, and travel duration.

Technologies Used

This application is developed using:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap Framework
  • PHP
  • MySQL Database

How to Install and Run


  • Install a local web server like XAMPP.
  • Download the Train Scheduler App source code.

Installation Steps

  1. Open the XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
  2. Extract the downloaded source code file.
  3. Copy the extracted folder and paste it into the “htdocs” directory inside XAMPP.
  4. Open a web browser and visit:
  5. The database and tables will be created automatically on the first run.

No login or registration is required to use the app. You are free to modify the source code as needed to fit your project requirements.

index PHP

Database PHP


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