Scope of Video Streaming Service Final Year Project

1. Project Overview

  • Objective: Develop a video streaming service that allows users to watch, upload, and manage video content efficiently. The platform should support various types of video content, user interactions, and content management features.
  • Target Users: Content creators, viewers, and administrators.

2. Core Features

  • User Authentication and Authorization:
    • Registration and login for different user roles (e.g., admin, content creator, viewer).
    • Role-based access control for managing video uploads, content moderation, and user interactions.
  • Video Streaming:
    • Support for streaming various video formats and resolutions.
    • Adaptive bitrate streaming to ensure smooth playback across different network conditions.
    • Features for video playback (e.g., play, pause, seek, fullscreen, volume control).
  • Content Management:
    • Upload and management of video content by content creators.
    • Metadata management (e.g., titles, descriptions, tags).
    • Categorization and tagging of videos for easier discovery.
  • User Interaction:
    • User profiles with the ability to follow other users, like, comment, and share videos.
    • Recommendations and personalized content based on viewing history and preferences.
  • Search and Discovery:
    • Search functionality for finding videos based on keywords, categories, or tags.
    • Trending and popular video sections for content discovery.
  • Monetization and Subscription Management:
    • Support for monetization options (e.g., ad-supported content, subscription plans).
    • Payment gateway integration for managing subscriptions and transactions.
  • Content Moderation:
    • Tools for moderating user-generated content, including reporting and flagging inappropriate videos.
    • Admin interface for reviewing and managing flagged content.
  • Analytics and Reporting:
    • Analytics for tracking video views, user engagement, and content performance.
    • Reporting tools for content creators and administrators to monitor platform metrics.
  • Admin Panel:
    • Management of user accounts, roles, and permissions.
    • System configuration and content moderation.
    • Monitoring of platform performance and user activity.

3. Technical Requirements

  • Frontend:
    • User-friendly and responsive interface.
    • Technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks such as React or Angular.
  • Backend:
    • Server-side development using languages like Python (Django/Flask), JavaScript (Node.js), or Java.
    • RESTful APIs or GraphQL for communication between frontend and backend.
  • Video Processing and Storage:
    • Integration with video encoding and transcoding services for different formats and resolutions.
    • Storage solutions for video files (e.g., cloud storage, CDN).
  • Database:
    • Data storage for user information, video metadata, and interaction data.
    • Relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) or NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB).
  • Security:
    • Encryption of sensitive data (e.g., user information, payment details).
    • Secure video streaming with DRM (Digital Rights Management) and token-based authentication.
    • Protection against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS).

4. Additional Features (Optional)

  • Mobile Application:
    • Development of a mobile app for accessing and streaming videos on the go.
  • Live Streaming:
    • Support for live video streaming and real-time interaction with viewers.
  • Social Integration:
    • Integration with social media platforms for sharing content and login options.
  • Customizable Player:
    • Features for customizing the video player with themes, branding, and player controls.
  • Offline Viewing:
    • Options for users to download videos for offline playback.

5. Project Deliverables

  • Documentation:
    • Technical documentation (architecture, database schema, API documentation).
    • User documentation (how to use the system, for both content creators and viewers).
  • Testing:
    • Comprehensive testing plan (unit tests, integration tests, user acceptance testing).
  • Deployment:
    • Deployment on a server or cloud platform (e.g., AWS, Azure).
    • Ongoing maintenance and updates.

6. Timeline and Milestones

  • Define the phases of development (e.g., planning, design, implementation, testing, deployment).
  • Set deadlines for each milestone.

7. Budget and Resources

  • Estimate the cost of development, including hardware, software, and any third-party services.
  • Identify team members and their roles.

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