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Simulation of Cellular Automata Gaming Project in C++


  1. CellularAutomaton Class:
    • grid: The current state of the grid, where each cell can be either true
      (alive) or false (dead).
    • nextGrid: The grid that will hold the state of the cells after the update.
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    • setCell(int x, int y, bool alive): Sets the state of a specific cell.
    • printGrid() const: Prints the current state of the grid, using ‘*’ for alive cells and ‘.’ for dead cells.
    • update(): Computes the next state of the grid based on the rules of Conway’s Game of Life.
    • countAliveNeighbors(int x, int y) const: Counts the number of alive neighbors surrounding a given cell.
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  2. Main Function:
    • Creates a CellularAutomaton object.
    • Initializes some cells to be alive to set up an initial state.
    • Prints the initial state of the grid.
    • Updates the grid and prints the state for several generations to demonstrate how the cells evolve.
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