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Simulation of Chemical Reactions Gaming Project in C++


  1. ChemicalReaction Class:
    • concentrationA: The current concentration of chemical A.
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    • concentrationB: The current concentration of chemical B.
    • concentrationC: The current concentration of the product C.
    • rate: The reaction rate constant.
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    • ChemicalReaction(double a, double b, double rate): Constructor to initialize the concentrations and rate.
    • simulateStep(): Updates the concentrations based on the reaction rate and time step. The amount of product formed (deltaC) is calculated and subtracted from the reactants.
    • printStatus(double time) const: Prints the current status of the concentrations and time.
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  2. Main Function:
    • Initializes the ChemicalReaction object with initial concentrations and reaction rate.
    • Prints the initial status.
    • Simulates the reaction over a specified number of steps, updating and printing the concentrations at each step.
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