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Simulation of Cloud Computing Gaming Project in C++


  1. Task Class:
    • Represents a task with an id.
    • Task(int id): Constructor to initialize the task with an ID.
    • getId() const: Returns the ID of the task.
  2. CloudServer Class:
    • capacity: Maximum number of tasks the server can handle simultaneously.
    • tasksProcessed: Total number of tasks processed by the server.
    • currentTasks: A queue of tasks currently being handled by the server.
    • addTask(const Task& task): Adds a task to the server if there is capacity. Otherwise, it prints a message indicating that the server is full.
    • processTasks(): Processes all tasks in the server queue. Each task is removed from the queue and processed.
    • getTasksProcessed() const: Returns the number of tasks that have been processed.
  3. Main Function:
    • Initializes a CloudServer object with the specified capacity.
    • Adds a number of tasks to the server.
    • Processes all tasks in the server.
    • Prints the total number of tasks processed.
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