Simulation of CNC Machine Operation Gaming Project in C++


  1. Command Class:
    • type: Represents the type of operation (e.g., “Cut”, “Drill”).
    • parameter: Represents the parameter for the operation (e.g., depth for cutting, diameter for drilling).
    • Command(const std::string& type, double parameter): Constructor to initialize the command.
    • getType() const: Returns the type of the command.
    • getParameter() const: Returns the parameter of the command.
  2. CNCMachine Class:
    • commands: A vector to store a list of commands to be executed.
    • addCommand(const Command& command): Adds a command to the list.
    • executeCommands(): Executes all commands in the list. Prints out each command’s type and parameter, then clears the command list.
  3. Main Function:
    • Creates a CNCMachine object.
    • Adds several commands to the CNC machine (e.g., cutting and drilling).
    • Executes all commands and prints the results.

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