Simulation of Computer Networking Protocols Gaming Project in C++

Server Program (server.cpp)

Client Program (client.cpp)


  1. Server Program (server.cpp):
    • Socket Creation: Creates a socket using socket().
    • Binding: Binds the socket to an IP address and port using bind().
    • Listening: Sets the socket to listen for incoming connections using listen().
    • Accepting Connections: Accepts a connection from a client using accept().
    • Reading/Writing: Reads data from the client and sends a response using read() and send().
    • Cleanup: Closes the sockets with close().
  2. Client Program (client.cpp):
    • Socket Creation: Creates a socket using socket().
    • Connecting: Connects to the server using connect().
    • Sending/Receiving: Sends a message to the server and reads the response using send() and read().
    • Cleanup: Closes the socket with close().


  • This example uses POSIX sockets and is intended for Unix-like systems. On Windows, the socket API would differ, and you would need to include winsock2.h and initialize the Winsock library.
  • To run these programs, compile them separately and start the server before running the client. For example, use g++ server.cpp -o server and g++ client.cpp -o client. Then run ./server and ./client in separate terminal windows.

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