Simulation of Data Analytics Gaming Project in C++


  1. Header Files:
    • <iostream>: For input and output operations.
    • <vector>: To use the std::vector container for storing data.
    • <cstdlib>: For functions like std::rand() and std::srand().
    • <ctime>: For the std::time() function to seed the random number generator.
    • <numeric>: For std::accumulate() used in calculating the mean.
    • <algorithm>: For std::sort() used in sorting the data.
  2. DataAnalytics Class:
    • Constructor: Initializes the random number generator seed based on the current time.
    • generateData(): Fills the data vector with random integers between 1 and 100.
    • displayData(): Outputs the generated data.
    • calculateMean(): Computes the average of the data.
    • calculateMedian(): Computes the median value by sorting the data and finding the middle value.
    • calculateMode(): Finds the most frequently occurring value in the data.
  3. main() Function:
    • Creates an instance of DataAnalytics with a data size of 10.
    • Generates and displays random data.
    • Computes and prints the mean, median, and mode of the data.

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