Simulation of Deep Learning Models Gaming Project in C++


  1. NeuralNetwork Class:
    • The NeuralNetwork class implements a simple feedforward neural network with one hidden layer.
    • The class contains the following data members:
      • weights1: Weights connecting the input layer to the hidden layer.
      • weights2: Weights connecting the hidden layer to the output layer.
      • hiddenLayer: The neurons in the hidden layer.
      • outputLayer: The neurons in the output layer.
      • learningRate: The learning rate used during backpropagation.
  2. Feedforward Process:
    • The feedForward method calculates the output of the network by passing the input through the hidden layer and then to the output layer, applying the sigmoid activation function at each step.
  3. Backpropagation Process:
    • The backpropagate method updates the weights in the network using the backpropagation algorithm. It calculates the error at the output layer, propagates it back to the hidden layer, and then updates the weights accordingly.
  4. Training the Network:
    • The train method trains the neural network using the training data. It repeatedly feeds the input through the network and updates the weights using backpropagation.
  5. Testing the Network:
    • The test method evaluates the network on new input data, printing the network’s output.
  6. XOR Problem:
    • The main function trains the network on the XOR problem, a classic problem for neural networks. The network is then tested on the same problem to verify that it has learned the correct output.

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