Simulation of Disk Scheduling Algorithms Gaming Project in C++


  1. DiskScheduler Class:
    • This class contains implementations for the FCFS, SSTF, and SCAN (Elevator) disk scheduling algorithms.
    • Each algorithm is implemented as a member function returning the total number of seek operations required.
  2. FCFS Algorithm:
    • The FCFS function implements the First-Come, First-Served algorithm. It processes each request in the order received and calculates the total seek time.
    • This algorithm is straightforward but can lead to high seek times if requests are far apart.
  3. SSTF Algorithm:
    • The SSTF function implements the Shortest Seek Time First algorithm. It selects the request that is closest to the current head position, minimizing seek time at each step.
    • This algorithm reduces seek time but can cause starvation for requests that are far from the current head position.
  4. SCAN Algorithm:
    • The SCAN function simulates the Elevator algorithm, where the disk arm moves in one direction, fulfilling requests until it reaches the end, then reverses direction.
    • This algorithm reduces the variance in seek time and is more efficient than FCFS in most cases.
  5. Main Function:
    • The main function prompts the user for the initial head position, disk size, and a list of disk requests.
    • It then calculates the total seek operations for each algorithm and displays the results.


  • Initial Head Position: The starting position of the disk head.
  • Disk Size: The total size of the disk, which defines the maximum possible request position.
  • Requests: A series of disk I/O requests, each representing a position on the disk where data needs to be read or written.

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