Simulation of Employee Performance Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Employee:
    • Purpose: Represents an employee and their performance evaluation.
    • Attributes:
      • name: Name of the employee.
      • performanceScores: Vector storing performance scores for various criteria.
    • Methods:
      • getName(): Returns the employee’s name.
      • getAverageScore(): Calculates and returns the average performance score based on the criteria scores.
  2. Main Function:
    • Setup: Initializes a list of employees.
    • Input:
      • Prompts the user for the number of employees and details for each employee, including their performance scores for different criteria.
    • Report Generation:
      • Outputs a performance report showing each employee’s name and their average performance score.


  • Performance Evaluation: Simulates a basic employee performance evaluation system where each employee’s performance is rated on multiple criteria.
  • User Interaction: Allows users to input performance data and generate a report of average performance scores.

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