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Simulation of L-Systems Gaming Project in C++


  1. LSystem Class:
    • Attributes:
      • currentString: Holds the current state of the L-System string.
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      • productionRules: A map of production rules where each character maps to its replacement string.
    • Methods:
      • LSystem(const std::string& axiom, const std::unordered_map<char, std::string>& rules)
        : Constructor initializes the L-System with an axiom and production rules.
      • void generate(int iterations): Generates the L-System string for a given number of iterations. It replaces each character in currentString with its corresponding production rule.
      • void display() const: Displays the current L-System string.
  2. main Function:
    • Defines the axiom (“F”) and production rules (e.g., “F” → “F+F-F-F+F”).
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    • Creates an LSystem object with the specified axiom and rules.
    • Generates the L-System string for a number of iterations (e.g., 4).
    • Displays the final L-System string.
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