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Simulation of Machine Learning Algorithms Gaming Project in C++


  1. DataPoint Structure:
    • Represents a data point with a vector of features
      and a label.
  2. euclideanDistance Function:
    • Computes the Euclidean distance between two DataPoint objects based on their feature vectors.
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  3. knn Function:
    • Performs K-Nearest Neighbors classification.
    • Calculates the distance between the test point and each training data point.
    • Sorts the distances and selects the k nearest neighbors.
    • Counts the occurrence of each label among the nearest neighbors and determines the most frequent label as the predicted label.
  4. main Function:
    • Defines a set of sample training data and a test point.
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    • Specifies the number of neighbors k to consider.
    • Calls the knn function to classify the test point.
    • Displays the predicted label for the test point.
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